Configuring Process Flow Output Maps

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Configuring Process Flow Output Maps

The Output Maps tab of the Process Flow record automatically inherits a list that mirrors all output properties defined on the component or sub-process.

Output properties define data elements which may be returned upon completion of the component or sub-process. How and where this data is used is defined within the output maps of a process flow step.

Rule-based steps have no Output Maps. For rule-based steps, there is no automatic inheritance of output maps, and you should not add any output maps manually.

Follow these steps to configure a step's Output Map:

  1. Select a step in the Process Flow Designer to load its properties.
  2. Select the Output Map tab within the Process Flow form's Properties area to display any pre-defined output properties.
    • If necessary, you can add an output map by clicking the New Map button. Output maps added manually are marked as custom.
    • You can delete a custom output map by right-clicking it within the grid and selecting Delete from the pop-up menu.

  3. Configure the Destination and Destination Type for the output properties as necessary. Note that you configure Output maps directly in the grid. There is no associated Edit Mapping dialog.
    • Select a Destination Type from the drop-down list. Available options are:
      • Context Object: Data is captured within the context object, to be used by another step in the same process flow.
      • Log: Data is exported to an external log.

    • Enter the Destination, depending on the type you selected:
      • If Destination Type is Context Object: Enter the name of the data element as it is to be stored in the temporary context object.
      • If Destination Type is Log: Enter the network path where the log is to be created.

    Option Maps Tab

  4. Save the Process Flows record.

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