About the Extended Data Table Message Part
About the Extended Data Table Message Part
This is a script-based generic message part that creates a data table using input values provided by a derived message part (such as Order Lines). It provides more formatting options than the standard Data Table part. See Creating a Generic Base Part for more information on this type of message part. This data table supports the following input properties:
- SQL: A source SQL statement that populates the table. This is required to generate and display a data table.
- Title: Specifies a title for the rendered table.
- TitleFont: This property accepts a complete FONT tag to set the font for the title. For example: <font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="White"><b>.
- CellSpacing: The amount of spacing in pixels placed between the HTML cells (for an HTML message).
- CellPadding: The amount of padding in pixels added to each HTML cell (for an HTML message).
- Border: Determines if the table when rendered for an HTML message should use -borders (0 = no borders; 1 = borders).
- HeaderCellAttributes: Specifies attributes to add to the TD tag for the table header cells (such as bgcolor="white" valign="top").
- RowCellAttributes: Specifies attributes to add to the TD tag for every other table body row (first, third, fifth, etc.).
- AlternateRowAttributes: Specifies attributes to add to the TD tag for the alternating rows in the table's body (second, fourth, sixth, etc.).
- HeaderFont: This property accepts a complete FONT tag to set the font for the header cells.
- RowFont: This property accepts a complete FONT tag to set the font for the first, third, fifth, etc. rows in the table.
- AlternateRowFont: This property accepts a complete FONT tag to set the font for the alternating rows in the table.
- ShowLine: Set this input property to 1 to display a line above the data table (to separate it from other areas of the message). Set this to 0 to omit the line.
- AddSummaryRow: Set to 1 to add a summary row to the bottom of the table. For numeric columns, this row displays the total for that column by adding together the values in the individual cells. Set this to 0 to omit a summary row.
, multiple selections available,
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