About the Remote Scheduler Service
About the Remote Scheduler Service
This service provides all users with the ability to create a Scheduled Tasks record even those users who do not have the necessary permissions to create a Windows Scheduled Task. This service supports global system functionality that you may want to make available to all users, such as view scheduling, delayed message delivery, or message scheduling.
The system automatically executes the following logic when a user saves a Scheduled Tasks record whose Service is set to Remote Scheduler:
- The Scheduled Tasks record is saved with Service set to Remote Scheduler.
- Typically, a user will not create a Scheduled Tasks record directly but will perform an action that creates a Scheduled Task, such as specifying a message for future delivery or scheduling a view.
- The Remote Scheduler service creates a Process Flow Runs record that is linked to the Update With Remote Scheduler process flow. The Process Flow Run is assigned to the Application Server specified in the Scheduled Tasks record.
- The Update With Remote Scheduler process flow converts a Scheduled Task's Service from Remote Scheduler to Windows Scheduler and then saves the Scheduled Tasks record.
- The Application Server polls the database server and the pending Process Flow Run to update the Scheduled Task's service to Windows Scheduler.
- This generates a Windows Scheduled Task on the Application Server that will execute the Scheduled Task at the appropriate dates and times as specified by the user.
- Since the Application Server's user account modifies the Scheduled Tasks record, that user account, which should already have the necessary permissions, creates the Windows Scheduled Task in lieu of the user who originally saved the Scheduled Tasks record.
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