Entity Grid Control Restrictions
Entity Grid Control Restrictions
CM Tool First Release
This is first official release of the Aptify Configuration Migration (CM) Tool. If you have any questions or problems using the tool please contact Aptify Technical Support. Your feedback is appreciated!
- If a user selects any record from entity grid control, it is considered as a manually added entity on the Tree View and can only be removed manually.
- If a user selects a linked entity or dependent entity from grid control, those linked or dependent entities are added to the Tree View accordingly (Linked Entity as Linked Entity and Dependent as Dependent). If a user clears those entities from the Tree View, their linking to a parent entity is removed. Due to this, if a user clears the check box in the respective column from entity grid (i.e., Pack Linked Entities/Pack Dependent Entities), those entities are not removed. These entities are treated as manually added, and must be removed manually from the entity grid.
- If a user clears the check boxes for the subtypes of any entity from the Tree View and clears the check box for it from the entity grid column, the subtypes are removed. If the user selects it again from the entity grid column (i.e., Pack Subtypes), the status of these subtypes are as per its parent entity status.
- If there is large number of records or with more interlinked records in grid and a user selects the select all check box, it will take more time to load the Tree View, and the performance of the tool is hampered , as it is fetching all records related to those entities, dependent on system configuration. It is also possible that the application will hang until all the processes are completed or a stack overflow exception will be thrown.
- If a user selects and clears the check boxes that trigger multiple actions, the application will take longer to load the Tree View with all related data. Sometimes the application will hang due to large number of processes running, depending on memory usage by the CPU. If the system configuration does not support this large usage of memory by the CPU, this scenario will cause the application to hang.
, multiple selections available,
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