Breaking Apart Combined Booths
Breaking Apart Combined Booths
If booths were previously combined to create a single larger booth, the surviving booth can be separated to the original booths. This is only possible if the surviving booth is not assigned to a customer and if the floorplan status allows booths to be edited.
- Select the Booth Combination Wizard icon from any Booths view. The wizard launches, displaying the Welcome page. Click Next.
- Enter the floorplan that contains the booth to split and click Next.
- The Options page provides a choice to either combine booths, or separate booths that were already combined. Select the Break Apart option and click Next.
- A list of previously combined booths for the selected floorplan displays. If a booth has already been assigned to a customer, it is not included in the list.
- Indicate the booth to separate by selecting the check box in the Selected column, and click Next.
- The next page of the wizard displays a list of all booths that were originally combined but are now separated into individual lines in a grid. Edit the cells in the grid to specify the dimensions for each of the separated booths. The wizard does not set the booths back to the dimensions they had before they were combined, so for all booths being restored, the data defaults to zero.
- After editing the grid, click Finish to separate the booths.
- Once the booths are separated, the user is prompted to continue using the wizard to -combine booths or separate additional booths. Select Yes to return to the wizard, or No to close the wizard.
, multiple selections available,
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