Creating Sub-Blocks

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Creating Sub-Blocks

A Housing Block may have one or more related sub-blocks. Sub-blocks maintain their own room inventories separate from the parent block but appear under the parent block within the Housing Inventory Management dashboard. 

You may want to use a sub-block if there is a number of rooms that differ within the same hotel block. For example, you can create a sub-block for suites or for rooms that are not available for the entire length of the meeting.

To create a sub-block, follow the instructions in Creating Housing Blocks and specify a parent block in the Parent field. Alternatively, you can create a sub-block using the Create Sub Block dialog.

Typically, sub-blocks are created after rooms are added to the parent block. The applicable rooms can be transferred when creating the sub-block. 


Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Housing Inventory Management dashboard.
  2. Select the product to which you want to add a sub-block from the Housing Product drop-down menu.
  3. Click the New Sub Block button on the dashboard to open the Create Sub Block dialog.

  4. Enter the name of the new sub-block in the Sub Block-Name field.
  5. Select the new sub-block's parent (either a block or another sub-block) from the Parent Block drop-down menu. The Parent Block Room Inventory table automatically updates to display the selected block's current number of rooms.
  6. Enter the number of rooms to transfer from the parent block to the new sub-block in the Room Inventory for Sub-Block table. The number of rooms for any particular date or type cannot exceed the number in the Parent Block Room Inventory table.

    Specify Sub-Block Details
  7. Click Create Sub-Block to create the new sub-block and move the selected rooms from the parent block and to the new sub-block.
  8. The dashboard reports the updated room count for each block.

New Sub-Block Added with Rooms

Editing Housing Blocks

Use one of the following methods to open and edit an existing Housing Blocks record:

  • Double click the block's name in the Housing Inventory Management dashboard.
  • Open the block record from the Housing Blocks service.

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