About the Associates Entity Email Field Validation Script

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About the Associates Entity Email Field Validation Script

This field includes a validation script that compares the value provided by a user against a regular expression to determine if the email address is in an acceptable format. Within the context of the sample application, this requirement is defined in BPR4: Enforce Email Address Format and the implementation is described in About the Data Quality Design for the Sample Application.

It follows this process:

  • Uses a geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString <> " " statement to retrieve the value of the Email field from the current record's GE and determine if the Email field is blank. If blank, no further validation is applied.
  • If the Email value is not blank, the script defines a regular expression for an e-mail address format and matches the Email value from the record against the regular expression.
  • If the Email value matches the regular expression, the value passes the validation test and the script calls oResult.Success = True.
  • If the Email value does not match the regular expression, the value fails the validation test. The script calls oResult.Success = False and oResult.Message to display an error message to the user that the value entered is not a valid Email address.
  • Note that the sample script also includes code to handle situations where the script fails for unexpected reasons.

The full text of the script appears below:


' This script enforces the business rule that only allows for 
' valid email addresses to be entered for Associates.
'Field Validation Scripts can access this record's properties via geRecord.
'The Results of a script are returned via oResult.Success = [True|False]
'This sample script uses .Net's RegularExpression class to compare
'the entered email address against a regular expression.

     'Only validate the Email field if it is not blank since the Email field is not required
      If geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString <> "" Then
                  Dim emailRegEx As System.String = "^(([A-Za-z0-9]+_+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\-+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\.+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\++))*[A-Za-z0-9]+@((\w+\-+)|(\w+\.))*\w{1,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$"
                  Dim myRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(emailRegEx)
                  Dim myMatch As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match
                  myMatch = myRegEx.Match(geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString)
                  If myMatch.Success Then
                          oResult.Success = True
                         'email did not pass regular expression test
                         oResult.Success = False
                         oResult.Message = geRecord.GetValue("Email").ToString & _                                                                                                       "
                                 is not a valid email address. Please reenter the Associate's email."
                  End If
                  'nothing to validate, return true         
                  oResult.Success = True
      End If
      'Validation Script Failed
      oResult.Success = False
      oResult.Message = "The Email Field Validation script failed unexpectedly. " & _
                                 "Check the script for logical errors."
End Try

The Sample Application also contains a validation script that performs the same function for the Email field in the Customers entity.

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