Hosted Payment Framework Metadata Changes

Hosted Payment Framework Metadata Changes

This page contains all the details of meta-data changes that are made for implementing Hosted Payment in Aptify and deployed through the Setup.

  • Entity Updated
    • Payment Types
    • Merchant Accounts
  • Entity Created
    • Remote Payment Records
    • Remote Payment Configurations

Entity Updated

There are two entities updated

Payment Types

  1. Updates: Adds the new base payment type Credit Card Hosted Payment Reference Transaction in the Payment Types Entity under field Type.

    Usage: New base payment type field to be used while creating new payment type that supports Remote/Hosted payment.

  2. Updates: Adds new bit field IsRemotePayment on Payment Types Entity.

    Usage: Identifies if the payment type supports Remote/Payment.

Merchant Accounts

  1. Updates: Adds bit field UseHostedPaymentCheckout on MerchantAccounts Entity.

    Usage: Identifies if the merchant account supports remote/hosted payment.

  2. Updates: Adds field RemotePaymentAssembly, RemotePaymentObject and RemotePaymentClass on MerchantAccounts Entity for storing the assembly information where the hosted payment implementation has been done.

    Usages: Holds the plugin information that has hosted payment implementation for merchant account.

Entity Created

There are two entities created.

Remote Payment Records

Updates: Adds new entity Remote Payment Records.

: Acts as staging entity to store all the transactions details that were made using the Credit Card Hosted Payment Reference Transaction. Later this information is used to update the GE that has requested payment with the transaction information.

List of fields and their usage as shown in the table given below:


Usage Description 


ID of the entity that has requested hosted payment.  
e.g. If we have requested hosted payment for orders then it will contain the Orders Entity ID. 



Record ID of the entity that has requested payment. 
e.g. If we have requested hosted payment for orders then it will contains the Order ID. 




ID of the merchant account through which hosted payment was requested. 


ID of the payment Type record that has base payment type as Credit Card Hosted Reference Transaction and has been used for requesting payment. 


Status of the record. Possible values are:

Pending: This is a default status. Whenever a payment request is generated the status of it will be pending that mean the payment has not been done. 
Posted: Payment Transaction is authorized on Merchants Payment Gateway. But payment information has not be applied to the GE that has requested the payment.

Success: Payment information applied to the entity record that has requested the payment. 
Exception: Exception occurred during payment transaction. Please refer Error Info field for more information. 


Hosted Payment URL. 


Response data response received from payment gateway against the payment requested. 


ID of the payment type record which has base payment type as Credit Card Reference Transaction that has been used on the hosted payment form. 
e.g. If user uses VISA card on the hosted payment page then we will be associating the payment type ID here which is of type VISA and base type as Credit Card Reference Transaction and it is associated with merchant account that has been used for hosted payment. 


Credit card expiry date. 


Authorization code. 


Authorization Type. 


Credit card partial account number. 


Credit card reference transaction number. 


When the status of the record is Exception then the exception log contains the reason of the exception. 


Used to check if the user has checked the Save for future use on the Hosted Payment Form while making payment. 

Remote Payment Configurations

Updates: Adds new entity Remote Payment Configurations.

Usage: Holds all the configuration required to use the remote hosted payment. In Stock this entity currently holds the plugin information for invoking the correct remote payment plugin against the active merchant account and plugin information for getting the customer information which is to be used for the hosted payment transaction details.

List of fields and their usage as shown in the table given below:


Usage Description 


Contains Assembly Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the merchant account plugin. 


Contains Object Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the merchant account plugin. 


Contains Class Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the merchant account plugin. 


Contains Assembly Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the customer information plugin. 


Contains Object Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the customer information plugin. 


Contains Class Information of the class that contains the factory selector of the customer information plugin.