Installing Aptify SSRS Reports Setup

Installing Aptify SSRS Reports Setup

Aptify SSRS Reports setup will deploy Crystal Report to SSRS Report. Our Existing Clients that use Crystal reports can use this setup to deploy existing reports into SSRS Reports.


  • The database server has Aptify 5.5.2 or later installed
  • SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 or later installed and configured
  1. Please note that SSRS is configured automatically using the Aptify 6.1 setup. If you are upgrading from Aptify 6.1 to 6.2 and has SSRS configured already, you need not re-configure SSRS again.
  2. If you are upgrading from version 6.1 to version 6.2 (or higher )and do not have SSRS configured already, then before starting the Aptify setup, update the attribute ‘InstallSSRS’ in Setup.Exe.Config to “True” to configure SSRS. By default, this attribute is set to False to avoid re-configuring SSRS on every upgrade.

Installation Procedure

Browse to the location of the installation files, right-click the Setup application file, and select the Run As Administrator option to launch the Aptify SSRS Report setup.

  1. Review the Installation welcome screen and click Next to continue.
  2. Click Next.

  3. On the Options screen, select the Service Pack Installation option from the available list.

  4. Enter the SSRS Web Service/SSRS Report Path URL.

  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Validate screen, review the current database for invalid configurations and click Next.

  7. Click Finish to begin the Service Pack Installation process.
  8. Click OK when prompted that Aptify SSRS Reports have been successfully installed to close the installer.

Expected Result

Once the Installation processed is completed, the SSRS reports will be configured within your Aptify system and all existing Crystal reports will be disabled by default. Note that Aptify has converted the baseline Crystal Reports to SSRS reports, but this does not include any custom reports that your organization may have created. To convert these reports to SSRS, Aptify recommends using a third party, such as Crystal Migration Services. Please contact Aptify Support for more information.