Designating a Company Administrator in Aptify e-Business 6

Designating a Company Administrator in Aptify e-Business 6

To specify an individual as an Aptify e-Business 6 Company Administrator, a staff user needs to open the Person record of the intended contact and modify the settings on the desired person record as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Functions tab.
  2. Place a check mark in the Company Administrator box to make this person a Company Administrator.
  3. Select Company tab under the Persons record and Ädd the companies for which the person would be the administrator. Add the company details and set Primary Function as “Company Administrator”.
  4. If the Person (Company Administrator) is going to manage more than one company, all the company details should be added as sub-type record and primary function set.
  5. Save and Close the Persons record.


In some scenarios a user will want to update a Persons Primary Function to Company Administrator, this can be updated via the Primary Function drop-down at the top of the Functions tab. Changing the Primary Function on Persons record to Company Administrator will check the Company Administrator box automatically, however a Person with a different primary function (as shown in the example) can also be designated as a Company Administrator. If the primary function of the person is the Company Administrator then in the demographics tab of the profile page, the primary function field gets populated with Company Administrator.

The primary function of a person can only be set from Smart Client.

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