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Overriding Calculated Shipping Charges

A user can override an order shipment's calculated shipping charges as needed on an Order Shipments record. Follow these steps to override a shipment's associated charges:

  1. Open the order, if not already opened.
  2. Click the information icon to the right of the Shipping or Handling field in the Order's Summary area, as shown in the figure below.
  3. Double-click the shipment whose charges you want to override in the Shipping/Handling Details dialog
    • This opens the shipment's corresponding Order Shipments record.
  4. Edit the amounts in the Shipping Charge, Shipping Cost, and Handling Charge fields, as necessary.

    Override Calculated Shipping Charges
  5. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Shipping/Handling Details dialog.
    • The new shipping amounts you specified are automatically applied to the order.
    • If you reopen the Order Shipments record, the Override Shipping Calc and/or Override Handling Calc option is selected (depending on which fields you modified).

      Shipping Charges Override Indicator
  6. Click OK to close the Shipping/Handling Details dialog and return to the order.
  7. Save the order.
    • Depending on the order's initial payment method, Aptify may prompt you to modify the order's payment information. See Editing Taken Orders for more information.

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