Understanding the Shipping and Handling Details Dialog

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Understanding the Shipping and Handling Details Dialog

Aptify displays an order's total shipping and handling charges in the Shipping and Handling fields in an Orders record's Summary area.

For more information on how these totals are calculated, you can click the information (i) icon to the right of either the Shipping or Handling field to display the Shipping/Handling Details dialog.

 Shipping and Handling Details Dialog

This dialog provides information about the shipping charges calculated for each order shipment that applies to the order. The example in the figure above illustrates an order with a single order shipment.
For each order shipment, the dialog displays the following information:

  • Shipment Type: The shipment type for this order shipment. Note that a user can specify a shipment type at the order line level that is different from the shipment type at the order level.
  • Ship To: The shipment's Ship To person.
  • Shipping Charge: The shipping charge calculated for the order shipment.
  • Shipping Cost: The shipping cost calculated for the order shipment. (The shipping cost is the amount of money the organization pays the shipping company to send out the order. The shipping charge is the amount of money charged to the customer who placed the order.)
  • Handling Charge: The shipping charge calculated for the order shipment.
  • Tax Jurisdiction: This field identifies the ship to address's applicable Tax Jurisdiction. This is particularly useful if the system calculated tax on shipping and/or handling charges based on the jurisdiction's sales tax rate.
  • Group: If applicable, this field identifies the Shipment Type's Groupings record to which the order shipment corresponds.
  • Matrix: This field specifies the name of the Shipment Type's Matrix record that was used to calculate the shipping charges.

In addition, double-click a shipment's entry in the Shipping/Handling Details dialog opens the corresponding Order Shipments record. This record provides detailed information about the order shipment and how the system calculated shipping charges.

 Order Shipments Record
Also, a user can modify the following fields on the form:

  • Ship Tracking Num: If the order contains multiple shipments and each shipment has its own tracking number, you can specify a particular shipment's tracking number in this field. (There is a Tracking # field on the Orders record's Shipping tab, but that only applies if the order has one shipment.)
  • Cust Shipping Acc Num: If the order contains multiple shipments and the customer has provided a different account number for each shipment, you can specify a particular shipment's customer shipping account number in this field. (There is a Cust. Ship Acct# Number field on the Orders record's Shipping tab, but that only applies if the order has one shipment.)
  • Shipping Charge: If necessary, a user can manually override the calculated shipping charge by entering a new amount in this field. After modifying the charge and clicking OK to save and close the record, the next time a user opens the record, the Override Shipping Calc option will be selected.
  • Shipping Cost: If necessary, a user can manually override the calculated shipping cost by entering a new amount in this field. After modifying the charge and clicking OK to save and close the record, the next time a user opens the record, the Override Shipping Calc option will be selected.
  • Handling Charge: If necessary, a user can manually override the calculated handling charge by entering a new amount in this field. After modifying the charge and clicking OK to save and close the record, the next time a user opens the record, the Override Handling Calc option will be selected.

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