About the Embedded Entity Role
About the Embedded Entity Role
This is the entity that is embedded in one or more container entities via an embedded link field. From a designer perspective, creating an embedded entity is the same as creating an entity, except you need to add three fields to support the sharing functionality:
- OwnerEntity (nvarchar(100)): This field identifies the entity name for the record that "owns" a particular embedded record. For example, for a company's address, that Addresses record has Companies as its OwnerEntity.
- OwnerRecordID (int or bigint): This field identifies the record in the OwnerEntity that "owns" a particular embedded record. For a company's address, this is the ID of the particular Companies record that owns an Addresses record.
- Locked (bit): This field indicates whether or not an embedded record may be updated. When set to 1, the embedded record has a static relationship with one or more container records.
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