What does this do?
After a successful installation, the setup creates the following:
Adding Application and Services
The setup will creates the following entities and added to the Career Lead Generation application in your system. It consists of four services as given below along with career lead and Career Lead Integration Configuration.
Make sure you add the Career Lead Generation application to your folder list if not added. For more information on how to manage applications and services, see Using Applications and Services.
Career Lead Generation application must have Users Group permission to view all group career activities entities for End User.
Career Activities - This service consists of the raw data from Career API based on the request from Career Activity Import process flow.
Career Activity Job Alert - This entity holds the career Job alert activity data after processing raw JSON data from Career Activities entity based on the activity type.
- Career Activity Job Applications - This entity holds the career Job application activity data after processing raw JSON data from Career Activities entity based on the activity type.
- Career Activity Resume - This entity holds the career resume activity data after processing raw JSON data from Career Activities entity based on the activity type.
Adding New Process Flows
All career activities are imported from the YM Career Activities to Aptify AMS through the process flows. The following are the process flows created by the setup in your Aptify system:
- Career Activity Input - This is the main process flow which is responsible for getting all the activities information and importing as a raw data in the Career Activities entity.
- Career Activity Retrieval Process - This is the another process flow which is responsible for processing raw data from career activities entity and imports actual data into respective entities based on their activity types.
- Career Activity Integration Process - This is the sub process flow which processes career activities record to their respective entities based on the activity type for all the 'Open' status record, one at a time.
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