About the Output Properties Form
An Output Properties record maintains information about data that is generated by a subprocess or a process component that is required by another step of a process flow. These records may only be created from the Output Properties tab of a Process Flows or Process Components record.
General Tab
Name (required)
The name of the output property.
A brief description of the data returned by the process flow.
The data type of the output property. Standard values are: String, Integer, Long, Currency, Decimal, Date/Time, Boolean, and Object. By default, String is selected.
Property Page Tab
This tab is used to define a custom property viewer for the specified output property. Note that if a custom property user interface is defined at the process component level, the property viewer defined on this tab will be ignored. See Using the Generate Data Mapper Process Component Wizard for information on defining customer property sheets for a process component as a whole.
Output Prop Page Object
The object containing the custom property viewer for this output property. This field links to a location in the Aptify Object Repository.
Output Prop Page Assembly Name
The Object's .NET assembly name.
Output Prop Page Class
The Class in the Object that contains the customer property view for this output property.
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