About the Process Components Form
Process flow components are the building blocks of a process flow that define the actual functionality used, and are called by process flow steps.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Process Flow Components record. The tab becomes available after the record is saved for the first time.
General Tab
Name (required)
The name of the process flow component.
Description of the component.
Object (required)
The Object containing the functionality for this component. This field links to a location in the Aptify Object Repository.
Assembly Name
The Object's .NET assembly name.
Class (required)
The class in the Object that contains the functionality for this component.
Icon Large
This field specifies an icon from the Aptify Object Repository. Note that Icon Large is not currently in use.
Icon Small
An icon from the Aptify Object Repository that displays when the component is used by a process flow step. The chosen image appears as the icon for the associated process flow step in the process flow designer.
Init Data
If the component you have specified is generic in nature, specify any additional initialization information in this field. The CRUD components all use the same generic components. The system uses this field to identify a particular entity for the generic CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) component. See About the CRUD Process Components for more information..
Allow Custom Result Codes
When selected, the New Map button appears on Action Map tab for steps that use this component. A designer can then add new result codes for this component if needed. When cleared (the default setting), the New Map button is not available.
Input Properties Tab
Input Properties identify data that may be required for steps in the process flow component to correctly execute. This tab provides a list of related Input Properties records for the component. See About the Input Properties Form for details.
Output Properties Tab
This tab lists identifies data produced by the component that can be used by other steps in a process flow. See About the Output Properties Form for details.
Property Page Tab
This tab is used to define a custom property user interface for the input and output properties associated with this component. The figure below is an example of a custom property sheet for the Send email component included with the standard installation of Aptify. If you want to customize the way a single property is viewed, you can define a customer property viewer at the input or output property level. See Using the Generate Data Mapper Process Component Wizard or Defining Process Component Output Properties for details.
Prop Page Object
The object containing the custom property user interface for this component. This field links to a location in the Aptify Object Repository.
Prop Page Assembly Name
The object's .NET Assembly name.
Input Prop Page Class
The Class in the Object that contains the custom property sheet for the Input Properties associated with this component.
Output Prop Page Class
The Class in the Object that contains the customer property sheet for the Output Properties associated with this component.
Result Codes Tab
This tab lists the possible outcomes after the component is run. Each possible outcome corresponds to a result code. For example, if the component contains the functionality to send an email, result codes could be Mail Sent and Failed. See About the Result Codes Form.
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