Configuring Process Flow Input Maps
The input properties on components and process flows define the data that is required so that the process or component may function correctly. At the component or process flow level, the individual data values are identified. However, where the data comes from is set up at the step level, or done later when linking the completed process flow to an event handler.
For component and sub-process steps, the input properties from the corresponding Process Components or Process Flows record automatically flows down to the step's Properties tab. If the step is based on a rule, you must manually add any inputs to the Input Map. To add input maps for rule-based steps, click the New Map button and enter the name of the Input Map in the dialog box. Then follow the directions below to configure the mapping.
You can configure the input maps directly in the grid on the Input Maps tab or you can double-click the individual rows to display an Edit Mapping dialog box. Follow these steps to configure an input map:
- Select a step in the Process Flow Designer to load its properties.
- Select the Properties tab within the Process Flow form's Properties area to display any pre-defined input properties.
- Required input properties that must be mapped to a value appear in red.
- Required input properties that must be mapped to a value appear in red.
- Configure the Source and Source Type for the input properties as necessary. You must define a source for all required input properties.
- Double-click an input map row to open the Edit Mapping dialog.
- Select a Source Type for the input map. Available values are:
- Context Object: The data is obtained from the process flow's Context Object. This is a temporary data storage, which is created when the process flow is initialized.
- Formula: The data may be obtained through execution of an SQL statement.
- Static Value: Allows the entry of a static alphanumeric value in the Source field.
Hard-coding Static Value Recommendations
Hard-coding a static value for a process flow step sets that value for all instances where the process flow executes rather than allowing variables to be passed into the step. Process flow steps with hard-coded input maps are useful for certain situations but a majority of cases obtain values from an external source.
- Enter a Source. The format of the value for the Source field is dependent on the Source Type selected:
- If Source Type is Context Object: The Source field automatically populates with the list of input properties defined on the Process Flow's Input Properties tab. Select the appropriate input property from the list. You can also manually enter a value if passing in data that was added to the context object by a previous step of the process flow.
- If Source Type is Static Value: Enter an alphanumeric value in the Source field. If the property has a default value, this value appears in the Source field.
- If Source Type is Formula: Enter a SQL statement in the Source field.
- Click OK to save the input map.
- Save the Process Flows record.
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