Adding Education to a Persons Record
Adding Education to a Persons Record
The Persons record includes the ability to store and reference education details directly from their Persons record Details tab.
For e-Business users, if a user grants access to their social network profile, for example LinkedIn, through an e-Business site, information about institutions they have attended are created as Education records.
Follow these steps to create a new Education record from a Persons record:
- Open a Persons record.
- Click the Details tab.
- Click the Education sub-tab and open a new Education record.
- Enter the Education Level, which is the level of education when studies are completed.
- Enter the Education Field, which is the the name of the field of study for this Education record.
- Enter the Institution, the name of the school or other body where the Education was received.
- Enter the Start and End Dates for the Education record.
- The Start Date refers to the date the studies began.
- The End Date refers to the date the studies completed or ended.
- Select the Is Completed check box for an Education record when the required studies have been completed and the degree/certificate has been earned, otherwise leave this cleared for any Education that is in-progress.
- Enter the Degree Title
- Enter the Overall GPA, or the GPA for all courses taken at the institution.
- Enter the Major GPA, or the GPA for the specific field of study or specific program.
- Provide Comments, related to the Education record, if desired.
- Save and Close the Education record.
, multiple selections available,
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