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About the Education Units Form

The Education Units record contains information on education units that are associated with a meeting. The use of this form does not require the Education Management add-on application.:


Attach any documents relevant to this education unit record on the Attachments tab.


Date Earned

The date the education units were earned. This is the date the meeting was closed.

Date Expires

The date the education units expired. Note that the date enter in this field is entered manually and if for tracking purposes only. However, an organization can develop functionality (based on an Education Category's Months Valid field) to determine how long educational units are valid for a particular person.

Education Category

The category associated with the earned education units.

Education Units

The number of units earned by the attendee.

External Source

The name of external meeting.

External Source Description

The description of the external meeting source.

External Source Verified

This option determines whether the external source has been verified by an education administrator as a valid meeting for earning education units. Note that this field does not drive other system functionality but can be used by an organization for tracking purposes.


If the meeting source is set to Internal, this field is automatically populated with the meeting product.


Note Concerning External Meeting Source

If a person has attended an external meeting that has been approved for earning education credits, an education administrator must manually create Education Unit records for these types of earned credits. Aptify does not provide functionality to automatically create these types of Education Units records. See the figure below for an example of an Education Units record for an external meeting. 


Order Meeting Detail

The Order Meeting Detail record associated with the order created for the attendee.

Order Meeting Detail Education Units

The Order Meeting Detail record associated with the order created for the attendee. Note that this record cannot be viewed from this form.


The attendee of the meeting. This field is linked to the Persons service.

Primary Function

The primary function associated with the education units earned. This field links to the Primary Function service.


The source of the meeting (Internal or External). If set to Internal, the meeting is associated with a meeting products record associated in Aptify and the Meeting, Order Meeting Detail and Order Meeting Detail Education Units are populated when the meeting is closed. If the source is External, the Education Units record is created manually and the External Source, External Source Description and External Source Verified options are populated as appropriate as shown below.


The status of the earned education units. If the status is set to Approved, the education units have been credited to the attendee. If the status is set to Pending, the education units must be reviewed, modified if applicable, and then approved by an education administrator. If an Education Category is specified, the value of this field is dependent on the Requires Approval option in the Education categories record.


This field does not drive other system functionality but can be used by an organization for tracking purposes.

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