Eventpedia Integration Prerequisites
Eventpedia Integration Prerequisites
The Eventpedia integration access Aptify via web services running on a web server. There is no separate install for web services. If you have web services installed for Aptify 5.5.2 or higher, Eventpedia will be able to leverage those. Here are the requirements for Eventpedia integration:
- Aptify 5.5.2 or higher (with the Aptify web interface)
- Eventpedia App (Contact Avodigy for details)
- Domain user who at a minimum has access to web services and the Meetings entity, to be able to import information into Mobile Content Manager.
- Administrator level user who has permissions to install and update entities, to be able to unpack the Eventpedia pack.
- Eventpedia integration pack.
- Aptify Configuration Management (CM) Tool must be installed on the server where the Aptify Desktop client is also installed. See Installing the Aptify CM Tool for more information.
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