Exporting Reservation Details to a Hotel

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Exporting Reservation Details to a Hotel

Follow these steps to export reservation details to a file that can be sent to a participating hotel:

  1. Create or open a view of the Housing Transfers service.
  2. Click the Housing Transfer Wizard button in the view toolbar to launch the wizard.
  3. Choose a Housing Product from the Select the housing product you wish to transfer drop-down menu.

    Select Housing Product for Export
  4. Click Next.
    • The wizard displays the Housing Blocks for the selected Housing Product that have Housing Reservation Guest records whose Transfer Status is set to Pending.

  5. Select which Housing Blocks whose information you want to transfer.

    Select Housing Blocks for Export
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the location to which the export file will be copied.
    • You do not have to choose a file name; Aptify automatically generates the file name for you.
    • Aptify creates one export file per Housing Block. If you want Aptify to create multiple files for each block depending on the Housing Reservation Guests' Status (New, Modified, Cancelled, Completed, No Show, or Wait List), select the Multiple Files Per Block For Each Status option.

      Select Location for Export File
  8. Click Finish to export the reservation information. 
    • For a particular Housing Block, the Export process uses the Transfer Type specified on that block's Housing Blocks record.
    • The wizard automatically updates a Housing Reservation Guests record's Transfer Status to Completed after the record's information has been exported to the file.

 If your organization allows a guest to provide a credit card number to hold the reservation, the Sample Transfer Type exports the credit card number used to hold the reservation to the text file in plain text, but only when the wizard is run by a user with access to the Credit Card encryption key. However, for security reasons, your organization may not want to offer this service to customers and instead have the customer provide credit card information directly to the hotel.

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