Configuring Additional AP Transaction Sources

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Configuring Additional AP Transaction Sources

Aptify streamlines the process of creating mechanisms to transfer data to and from Aptify to an Accounts Payable (AP) system by introducing a generic transaction source service that a developer or administrator can use to map information between Aptify and the accounting system.

Follow the steps below to create a new AP Transaction Sources record.

  1. Open a new AP Transaction Sources record.
    • The AP Transaction Sources service is found under the Accounting applications.
  2. Enter a name for the transaction source in the Name field.
  3. Enter a description for the transaction source in the Description field.
  4. Specify the entity in which the transactions are sourced from in Aptify in the Entity field.
    • This field is linked to the Entities service.
  5. If you want to specify a different view than the entities default view, enter the name of the view in the Base View field.
    • If a valid value is not specified in this field, the default base view for the entity specified in the Entity field will be used.
  6. Leave the Status as Active.
    • If set to Inactive, the transaction source will not be available for transferring data to and from Aptify.

      AP Transaction Sources Record
  7. Click the Mapping tab and map the fields from the Aptify entity specified on the General tab by entering the name of the field in the Aptify system that maps to the field in your organization's Accounts Payable system. The figure below is an example of the fields specified for importing and exporting data for payment refunds from Aptify's Payments entity. 

    AP Transaction Source Mapping Tab
  8. Enter any additional information about the transaction source on the Comments tab.
  9. Save and close the AP Transactions Sources record.

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