About the Companies Form

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About the Companies Form

The Companies form is a central repository for information about companies that relate to the organization. These records are used to track the company's credit line, contact information, parent companies or subsidiaries, and much more.

A new Companies form opens with several tabs disabled. As soon as the record is saved, the AttachmentsCommitteesCompany BrowserPersonsOrdersSubscriptions, and the Details tab's Divisions/SubsidiariesLists, and Topic Codes sub-tabs become enabled.

Companies Form

Top Panel

Name (Required)

Name of the company.


Parent company name. This field tracks the parent/child relationship of company records in the system. This field links to another record in the Companies service.

Company Type (Required)

The type of company. Standard options include Retail and Non-Profit. This field links to the Company Types service.

Account Manager

The employee within the organization who serves as this company's main account manager. This field links to the Employees service. Additional employees who assist with managing this account can be specified on the Details tab's Account Managers sub-tab.

Analysis Tab

This tab displays a set of standard chart views to analyze data associated with the current company. This includes the following charts:

  • Contact Count By Year/Category: A stacked column chart that displays the count of Contact Log records linked to the company by year and by category.
  • Sales By Year/Quarter: A 3-D stacked bar chart that displays the total sales to the company by year and quarter.
  • Persons By State: A 3-D pie chart that displays the count of the Persons associated with the company grouped by State.
  • Persons By Country: A 3-D pie chart that displays the count of the Persons associated with the company grouped by Country.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Companies record.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab has two sub-tabs:

  • General
  • Other

General Sub-Tab

Use this sub-tab to specify any general comments concerning this company.

Other Sub-Tab

Company's Comment-Other Tab


Preferred working atmosphere of the company (for example casual, business-casual, or business-formal).


Directions to the company's location.

Dir Description

Description of the company to use in the directory.

Committees Tab

This tab lists committee participation for all persons associated with the company.

Company Browser Tab

The Company Browser tab displays a company's related companies and the persons at those companies. For more information see Tracking Subsidiaries and Parent Companies.

The tab is available on the Desktop client as the Division tab.

Contact Tab

This tab displays all of the basic contact information for the Company, including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and website.

Address Selection Field

A list of available company addresses. Standard options are Street Address, Billing Address, and P.O. Box. A user can add more addresses using the Add New Address button on the Address Management toolbar. See Add New Address for details.

Address Fields (Street, City, State, ZIP, County, Country)

Company address information. If the system recognizes the ZIP Code entered by a user, it automatically populates the CityState, and County fields. If the system does not recognize the ZIP Code, it does not modify the City, State, or County field. The default country is United States. See Understanding the Postal Code Look-up Functionality.

The Postal Code look-up functionality does not currently work in the Aptify web interface. When using the Aptify web interface, postal codes must be entered manually.

The ZIP Code field is a text string. To search records using ZIP Code with numeric operators (such as >, <, and =), select the ZipCode5Numeric filter within the Find Items dialog box. ZipCode5Numeric converts a ZIP Code text string to an integer. ZIP Codes that include letters (such as Canadian ZIP Codes) are converted to a value of -1.

Bad Address

Beginning with 5.5.1, Aptify updates the system to include functionality to mark any invalid address as a Bad Address with a check box located on the Persons record. When a user marks a Person's address as bad, that designation is visible in other areas that may rely on that address (such as the Ship To address on an order).

Pref. Bill Addr.

The preferred billing address for the person. If the person's default address settings have not been specified, then this is the address that is used by default as an order's billing address when this person is added to an Order as the Bill To person. (For more information on specifying a person's default address settings see Setup Address Type, Default Addresses, and Date Ranges).

Pref. Ship Addr.

The preferred shipping address for the person. If the person's default address settings have not been specified, then this is the address that is used by default as an order's shipping address when this person is added to an Order as the Ship to person. (For information on specifying a person's default address settings see Setup Address Type, Default Addresses, and Date Ranges)

Phone and Fax

Telephone and fax information for the company. Four fields are available to accommodate the country code (for countries outside the United States and Canada), area code, telephone number, and extension number, respectively. Standard phone numbers are Main Phone and Main Fax. A user can add more phone numbers using the Add New Phone button on the Phone toolbar. See Using the Address Management Toolbar.

Main Email, Info Email, and Jobs Email

Main email is the principal email address for the company. Info email is the company's general information email address. Jobs email is the email address for inquiring regarding employment with the company.

Web Site

URL for the company web site.

Contact Log Tab

This tab contains two sub-tabs: Incomplete and Complete. The Incomplete sub-tab lists all the Contact Log records linked to this company that have a contact status of Incomplete, In-Progress, or On-Hold. The Complete sub-tab lists all the Contact Log records linked to this company that have a contact status of Complete.

Details Tab

The Details tab contains multiple sub-tabs that store additional information about the company.

Account Managers Sub-Tab

This sub-tab lists the organization's employees that work on the company's account. See Specifying Account Managers.

Divisions/Subsidiaries Sub-Tab

This tab provides a view of all the companies linked as divisions or subsidiaries to this company, with their basic contact information.

Lists Sub-Tab

Each list that includes the company appears on this sub-tab.

Options specify the type of lists to be viewed:

  • All Lists
  • System Lists
  • Non-System Lists

System Lists are created automatically, and Non-System Lists are created manually by Aptify users. For more information on lists, see Creating Lists.

Organization Sub-Tab

Company's Organization Sub-Tab

Credit Status

Company credit status. Standard options include ApprovedNot ApprovedDeniedOn Hold, or Cancelled. The company's credit status determines whether orders can be placed without providing payment at the time the order is taken.

Credit Limit

If a company has approved credit, this field specifies the credit limit amount for the company. Note that a company's Credit Limit is expressed in the Credit Currency. If the company is involved in foreign currency transactions (that is, transactions not in the Credit Currency), Aptify automatically converts the available credit limit to its corresponding value in the foreign currency (using the most current Currency Spot Rate) to ensure that the company has sufficient available credit to complete a particular transaction.

Credit Currency

This field identifies the currency in which the credit limit is expressed. For example, when set to US Dollar, the Credit Limit is in U.S. dollars. This field links to the Currency Types service.

Directory Sort

This field displays the company's name for the purpose of sorting the company in a directory. Aptify automatically populates this field with the company name when you save a new Companies record or modify the name of an existing company. Note that if you manually enter a value in this field, Aptify will not overwrite the value you specified when you save the record or subsequently modify the company name.

Abbreviated Name

An abbreviation used to refer to the company. By default, Aptify automatically populates this field using the first letter in each word within the company's name when you save a new Companies record or update the company name for an existing record. Note that if you manually enter a value in this field, Aptify will not overwrite the value you specified when you save the record or subsequently modify the company name.

Dir Letter

The first letter of the company name used to group companies by letter in a directory. By default, Aptify automatically populates this field using the first letter in the first word within the company's name when you save a new Companies record or update the company name for an existing record. Note that if you manually enter a value in this field, Aptify will not overwrite the value you specified when you save the record or subsequently modify the company name.

Note to Administrators

This functionality to automatically set the Directory Sort, Abbreviated Name, and Dir Letter fields is driven by a BeforeSave Event Handler linked to the Companies service. To disable this feature, you can mark the corresponding Event Handler as inactive. See Managing Process Pipelines for information on Process Flows and Event Handlers. 

Revenue Category

Revenue category of the company, based on gross annual receipts. This field links to the Revenue Categories service.


Company gross annual revenue.

Preferred Currency

The Preferred Currency field defines the default currency for orders placed by the company and links to the Currency Types service.


Date that the company was established.

Primary Product Code

The company's Primary Product Code. The Primary Product Code should be selected based on the company's main line of business. This field links to the Product Codes service.

Primary Shareholder

Name of the primary shareholder in the company.

Own Type

Company ownership type. Standard options are Privately OwnedPublicly Owned, and Subsidiary.

SIC Code

Primary Standard Industrial Classification Code for this company.

DnB Rating

Dun & Bradstreet (or other credit service) rating.

Fed Tax ID

Company Federal Tax ID number.

Num. Employees

Number of company employees.

Division Name

Name of the division (for example, Headquarters or Consumer Product Division).

Office Type

The type of office. Standard options are CorporateSalesConsultingRep OrganizationR&DManufacturing, and Services.

Order Level

The appropriate order level for this company. This field links to the GL Order Levels service. When a Persons record is created that is associated with this company, the order level flows down from the company to the person. Therefore, for most situations, the person, company and any order for that person all reference the same order level. However, it is possible to override the order level in each area as needed.

Note that the order level for orders always flows down from the Bill To Person, not the Bill To Company. For more information on General Ledger (GL) Order Levels, see About Order Levels and GL Accounts.

Payment Level

The appropriate payment level for this company. This field links to the GL Payment Levels service. When a Persons record is created that is associated with this company, the payment level flows down from the company to the person. Therefore, for most situations, the person, company and any payment linked to that person all reference the same payment level. However, it is possible to override the payment level in each area as needed. Note that the payment level for payments always flows down from the Bill To Person, not the Bill To Company. For more information on GL Payment Levels, see About the GL Payment Levels Form.

Domain Name

The default domain name for the company. This field can be used in conjunction with an Entity Bulk Operation to automatically generate email addresses for persons associated with the company. This field is reserved for future use.

Email Pattern

The default naming convention for email addresses. This field can be used in conjunction with an Entity Bulk Operation to automatically generate email addresses for persons associated with the company. This field is reserved for future use.

Old ID (read-only)

If this record was added through a data conversion process, this field tracks the company's ID from a previous system.

AP Vendor

The name of the default Accounts Payable vendor.

Product Codes Sub-Tab

A list of all product codes recorded for the company. Company Product Code records track the products and services the company sells, and the percentage of the company's total business derived from each of those products and services. The codes themselves might be SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes, NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System), or another categorizing system. See About the Product Codes Form for information on the Product Codes record.

Relationships Sub-Tab

The Relationships sub-tab offers the ability to track how other companies might be related to this company. Typical relationships might be Competitor, Strategic Partner, and so forth. Items are added to the list using the Company Relationships record.

Saved Payment Methods Sub-Tab

Saved Payment Methods store payment information from the company that can be applied to future orders. See Adding a Saved Payment Method for a Company.

Tax Exempt Sub-Tab

This tab records the tax exempt code for any jurisdiction where the company has a tax exemption. Tax exemptions are added to the list using the Company Tax Exempt Codes record.

Topic Codes Sub-Tab

Membership Tab

Information regarding the membership status and dues payment details is recorded on this form. For additional information on membership procedures, see Managing Membership Dues.

Membership Tab

Member Type

Company's current Member Type. This field links to the Member Types service.

When the company's member type changes, the system automatically updates the Co. Member Type field on related Persons records.

Member Type information displays at the bottom of the order form during Order Entry, showing the member type of the person and the associated company. For example, "Customer Type: Member/Non-Member" indicates that the person placing the order is not a member, but the associated company is a member. The company's member type normally updates when a Dues product is ordered. While it is possible to change a company's member type using the menu, this feature is meant to apply to special cases only. Member types should normally be updated through the purchase of Dues products.

See Managing Membership Dues for information on setting up and ordering Membership Dues products.

Root Member Type (read-only)

The root company is the company at the top of the hierarchy, connected to this company through Parent-Child relationships. When the member type changes on the root Companies record, the system automatically updates this field.


This field allows the company to be associated with a particular region, such as a chapter or affiliate. This field links to the Organizations service.


The current Membership Status for the company. Typical options include ActiveExpiredCancelled, or Suspended.

Dues Information Section

The following fields are populated with the latest membership dues information for the company. Company Dues Information fields also display on the Persons records linked to this company. When the company dues information changes, the Last AmountLast Pay Date, and Paid Thru fields in all linked Persons records update automatically.

Dues Information

Last Amount (read-only)

Amount of last dues payment for a membership (in the currency of that payment). This field is expressed in the currency used to pay the last Dues amount. It is updated based on the following logic:

  • The field has a value of 0 if no payments have been applied to the membership product's order.
  • When the amount of an applied payment is greater than the Extended price of the membership product's order line (the membership product price minus any applicable discount), then this field displays the Extended price for the membership order line.
  • When the amount of an applied payment is less than the Extended price of the membership order line, this field displays the full amount of that payment.
  • If there are multiple payments against the order that are all less than the membership order line's Extended price, then the most recent payment amount is used. If multiple payments happen to share the same Payment Date and Time, then the payment with the highest amount is used.

Last Pay Date (read-only)

Date of last dues payment.

Paid Thru (read-only)

The company's membership dues are paid through this date.

Join Date and Termination Date

Date membership began and was terminated, if applicable. When modifying the Join or Termination Date on the Companies record, the system automatically updates those fields in the company membership information section of Persons records.


Dues category for the company. Standard options include AnnualSemi-AnnualQuarterly, and Monthly. This field links to the Dues Categories service.

Exclude From Section

Mailings, Fax, email, Directory

These options exclude the company from various membership communications. These fields may be used to create views that filter out companies that do not wish to appear on mailing lists or in a directory.

Mail Code

Mail stop or other routing information.


U.S. Postal Service Carrier Route number.

US Congress

U.S. Congressional District that represents the company. The US Congress field is auto-populated when a user specifies a valid Postal Code for a Company's Street Address. The U.S. Congressional District for the Street Address's Postal Code populates the Companies record.

State Senate

State senate district that represents the company.

State House

State House district that represents the company.

County District

Name of the county district where the company does business.

Orders Tab

The Orders tab displays orders placed by each person associated with the company. All orders that have been made through the Aptify Order Entry or e-Business systems appear on this tab. Orders and quotations display on their respective sub-tabs. For information on order entry, see Using Order Entry.

Companies Record, Orders Tab

Order Total

Order total for all orders placed by the company. This total filters out any quotation or orders with an Order Status of Cancelled (not to be confused with a cancellation order).

Balance Total

Current balance due from the company. This total filters out any quotation or orders with an Order Status of Cancelled (not to be confused with a cancellation order).

The Order Total and Balance Total are displayed in the company's preferred currency (if a preferred currency is not specified, then the system uses the company's credit limit currency). If a person has orders in different currencies, the system automatically converts those orders to the preferred currency using the most recent currency spot rate information.

Persons Tab

The Persons tab displays a list of all the people associated with the company (that is, all Persons for whom this company appears in the Company field located in the Persons form's top area).

Subscriptions Tab

The Subscriptions tab displays information about any subscriptions that the company has ordered. For more information on subscriptions, see Managing Subscriptions.

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