About the Application Servers Form
The Application Servers form stores the name of the Application Servers that are installed in Aptify. You should not create these records manually. The Application Servers Setup program automatically creates an Application Servers record each time a new server is installed.
Account Information Tab
Default Job Account Name
This is the user account that will be used to run Scheduled Tasks that are created by View Scheduling. See Job Account Name for more information.
Default Job Account Password
This is the Windows Domain password for the Job Account. Note that this field is encrypted by default using the Generic Entity Encryption Key. By default, the sa user and members of the supplied Accounting, Administrators, and/or Users groups have access to this key.
Only users who have access to the key can enter a value in this field. Also, any user who will use View Scheduling also needs access rights to this key in order save the scheduled view's corresponding Scheduled Tasks record.
Depending on the security model that your organization has implemented, you may want to create a new key to encrypt this field and allow only designated users access to that key. This is the recommended approach. Follow these steps:
- Log in to Aptify as an administrative user.
- Create a new Security Key to encrypt the Default Job Account Password, grant access to the appropriate users for this key, and then update the Default Job Account Password field in the Application Servers entity to use this new key.
- Update the Job Account Password field in the Scheduled Tasks entity to use this key, too. See About the Scheduled Tasks Form.
Note that any user who will create Application Servers records and any user who will use View Scheduling needs access to this key. If a user doesn't have access to the Security Key, the Job Account Name and Password fields will appear on the View's Scheduling tab. (Power users can enter a valid Job Account Name and Password, but this may be too advanced for all users.)
See Managing Field Level Encryption for information on field-level encryption and Enabling View Scheduling for information on enabling and administering View Scheduling.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Application Servers record.
General Tab
Name (required)
The Name field identifies the name of the Application Server.
Server Name (required)
The Server Name field displays the server name as it appears on the network.
The Description field describes the Application Server and can list any details about the server that may be useful to an organization.
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