Services Attributes Documentation
Following is the list of configuration attributes and their use,
- Applications.OrdersEntity.RejectAddProductWithNoInventory
Default Value : True
Use :
If its set to true, an error message will be thrown depending on the allow back order and inventory required values.
If its set to false, it is allowed to add product with no inventory.
2. Applications.OrdersEntity.HideMeetingConflictValidationErrorsForOtherAttendees
Default Value : True
Use :
If its set to true, an error message will be thrown as 'Scheduling conflict has occurred for {product1}.{Attendee} is being scheduled to attend product2 from {startDate} to {endDate}' when meeting conflict occurs.
If its set to false, an error message will be thrown as 'The Meeting Conflict has occurred while registering for this meeting' when meeting conflict occurs.
3. Applications.OrdersEntity.ProhibitACHInfo.ZeroDollarOrder
Default Value : True
Use :
If its set to true, for zero dollar order setting up ach values for an order is not needed.
If its set to false, for zero dollar order setting up ach values for an order is needed.
4. Applications.OrdersEntity.EnableMeetingConflictValidation
Default Value : True
Use :
If its set to true, meeting conflict validation is checked before adding meeting to cart.
If its set to false, meeting conflict validation is not checked before adding meeting to cart.
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