Classic e-Business Migration to e-Business 6.0

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Classic e-Business Migration to e-Business 6.0

Using this document, the developer can migrate classic e-Business controls to e-Business 6.0.

For this, we have taken an example of DirectoryMember control from classic e-Business and migrated it to e-Business 6.0. Same steps can be followed for other classic e-Business controls as well.

The DirectoryMember control is accessible to the Company Administrator. The control displays a list of members within the company. The Company Administrator can see the members list and delink a person from the company.

Migrate Classic e-Business Controls to e-Business 6.0

Follow the below steps to migrate classic e-Business controls to e-Business 6.0:

  1. Display Members list
    1. Display Members List in classic e-Business: The classic e-Business calls the method LoadMember() which in return executes an SQL to get the member list. This member list binds to a Telerik Grid to show data in a tabular form.

Given below is the LoadMember() method in classic e-Business.

Given below is the image of the directory members list in classic e-Business.

b. Display Members List in e-Business 6.0: The e-Business 6.0 uses the REST API to fetch data. 

  • Build a GET service named "DirectoryMembers" which can return the dataset bound to Telerik Grid, by using below components:
  1. Route
  2. InputEntityDefinition
  3. OutputEntityDefinition
  4. Business Logic
  5. Security

Use the below JSON endpoint structure to generate the e-Business 6.0 service.

"getAllDirectoryMembers": {

      "route": {

        "httpMethod": "GET",

        "segments": {

          "DirectoryMembers": {

            "isLiteral": true,

            "type": "string",

            "security": {

              "IsCompanyAdmin": {

                "type": "WebGroup",

                "parameters": {

                  "groupList": [ "Company Administrator" ]






        "description": "Retrieves the list of directory members."


      "inputEntityDefinition": null,

      "outputEntityDefinition": {

        "isCollection": true,

        "$ref": "#/entityDefinitions/directoryMembersOutput",

        "name": "directoryMembersOutput"


      "businessLogic": {

        "allDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

          "executionType": "processFlow",

          "processFlowProperties": {

            "processFlowName": "Execute Data Object",

            "processFlowParameters": {

              "DataObjectName": "spGeteBusiness6_0DirectoryMemberDetails",

              "authenticatedAttributes": "@AuthenticatedAttributes"




        "getDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

          "executionType": "processFlow",

          "processFlowProperties": {

            "processFlowName": "Retrieve Directory Member Details",

            "processFlowParameters": {

              "PersonId": "@AuthenticatedAttributes.AuthenticatedPrincipalRecordId",

              "MembershipStatus": "",

              "Month": "3",

              "DirectoryMembersDataTable": "@parent.allDirectoryMembersRetrieval.outputDataObjectTable"






Output Fields Definition:

"entityDefinitions": {

    "directoryMembersOutput": {

      "fields": {

        "id": {

          "type": "long"


        "email": {

          "type": "string"


        "companyId": {

          "type": "long"


        "memberType": {

          "type": "string"


        "title": {

          "type": "string"


        "firstLast": {

          "type": "string"


        "address": {

          "type": "string"


        "startDate": {

          "type": "string",

          "sourceField": "JoinDate"


        "endDate": {

          "type": "string",

          "sourceField": "DuesPaidThru"





  • Business Logic Explanation- To get the directory member details we build a stored procedure named as 'spGeteBusiness6_0DirectoryMemberDetails' and then execute it through a process flow named as 'Execute data object'. This data is then passed to a newly built process component named 'Retrieve Directory Members Detail' which does a similar manipulation with data like classic e-Business.
  • Postman endpoint execution: We can execute getAllDirectoryMembers endpoint using Postman.

Given below is the image of Postman Endpoint execution in e-Business 6.0. 

Expected Result

We should be able to get a member list using service built above.

  • The stock frontend uses knockout for MVVM binding.

Given below is the image of the directory members list in e-Business 6.0.

2. Delink a person from the company.

a. Delink a person in classic e-Business: The classic e-Business calls a method "RemoveCompanyLinkage" to delink a person from the company. This method is invoked from the button "remove" in classic e-Business.

Given below is the image of RemoveCompanyLinkage method in classic e-Business.

Given below is the list of directory members list to be removed from company in classic e-Business.

b. Delink person from company in e-Business 6.0: To build a service to delink a person from company, follow the below steps:

  • Build a service "PATCH /DirectoryMembers" to delink a person from company. Use the below

"removeDirectoryMemberFromCompany": {

      "route": {

        "httpMethod": "PATCH",

        "segments": {

          "DirectoryMembers": {

            "isLiteral": true,

            "type": "string",

            "security": {

              "IsCompanyAdmin": {

                "type": "WebGroup",

                "parameters": {

                  "groupList": [ "Company Administrator" ]






        "description": "Removes directory member from company"


      "inputEntityDefinition": {

        "name": "GetSinglePersonId",

        "fields": {

          "PersonId": {

            "type": "long",

            "input": {

              "httpMethods": [ "PATCH" ],

              "isCollection": true,

              "source": "body",

              "requiredHttpMethods": [







      "outputEntityDEfinition": null,

      "businessLogic": {

          "subscriptionIDRetrieval": {

            "executionType": "processFlow",

            "processFlowProperties": {

              "processFlowName": "Load Subscription Id",

              "processFlowParameters": {

                "PersonId": "@request.PersonId",

                "CompanyId": 1




          "getDirectoryMembersRetrieval": {

            "executionType": "processFlow",

            "processFlowProperties": {

              "processFlowName": "Remove Directory Member From Company",

              "processFlowParameters": {

                "PersonId": "@request.PersonId",

                "CompanyId": 1,

                "iCnt": 0,

                "SubscriptionId": "@parent.subscriptionIDRetrieval.outputIdDataTable"






  • Business Logic Explanation: There are two main components of the business logic:
  1. "Load Subscription Id" which deals with getting subscription id of the person to be delinked.
  2. "Remove Directory Member from Company" which contains similar logic as that of classic e-Business.
  • Postman endpoint execution: We can execute removeDirectoryMemberFromCompany endpoint using Postman. Given below is the image of Postman Endpoint execution in e-Business 6.0.

Expected Result

We should be able to remove a directory member from company using the service built above.

         Given below is the image showing how to delink a directory member in e-Business 6.0.

Given below is the list of attached process flows, process component and stored procedure packs for reference. 

  • GetDirectoryMemberPack1.cmpack
  • GetDirectoryMemberPack2.cmpack
  • GetDirectoryMemberPack3.cmpack
  • RemoveDirectoryMemberPack1.cmpack


Following manual instructions need to be followed to update service application record,

  1. Open service application record named as ‘e-Business’.

2. Update the Auth Context info as below.

3. Save the service application record.


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