Creating a Field of a Specific Type

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Creating a Field of a Specific Type

This section describes the configuration settings required in order for a field to adopt a particular field type on a generated entity form. For each field type, follow the steps in General Steps for Creating a Field and modify the Fields record as described in each section below.

Standard Text Field

To create a standard text field, configure the following options:

  • SQLDataType: Use a data type that corresponds to a string value, such as char or nvarchar.
  • SQLFieldSize: Use a field size of 255 or less.

Multi-Line Text Field

To create a multi-line text field, configure the following options:

  • SQLDataType: Use a data type that corresponds to a string value, such as char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar. For large fields, use nvarchar(max) or varchar(max).

  • SQLFieldSize: Use a field size greater than 256 (or max, for nvarchar(max) and varchar(max)).

  • Category: If you want a large text field to appear as its own tab without a separate field caption, enter the field's Name in the Category field. If no other fields are in the same category, Aptify will create a separate tab for this field that does not include a field caption.
    • In the example shown in the figure below, the multi-line Details field is displayed on a separate Details tab.
    • Note that this functionality is only applicable if the Category value equals the field's Name and no other fields are in the same category.

  • Text Interpretation Mode: This option is found on the Options tab. For plain text fields, leave this option set to None. To specify that this field stores text in rich text format, specify RTF. To specify that this field stores HTML text, set this option to HTML.
    • When set to None, Aptify adds this field to a generated form as a standard multi-line text field. See Multi-Line Text Field for more information.
    • When set to RTF, Aptify adds this field to a generated form as a Rich Text Field part. See Rich Text Field for more information.
    • When set to HTML, Aptify adds this field to a generated form as an HTML Field part. See HTML Text Field for more information. 

      Multi-Line Text Field As a Tab

Check Box

To create a check box, configure the following option:

  • SQLDataType: Use a data type of bit. A value of 1 corresponds to a checked box, and a value of 0 corresponds to an unchecked box.

Date Selection Field

To create a date/time field that includes the calendar icon, configure the following option:

  • SQLDataType: Use a data type of datetime or date.
  • Default Value: If desired, enter a default value for the date/time field.
    • Aptify's supports the GETDATE() function that returns the current date or date/time combination depending on the chosen data type. Note that the GETDATE function only returns the date element of a DateTime field.
    • Starting with 5.5, Aptify supports using the function GETDATETIME to populate both the date and timestamp of fields of type DateTime.

Time Field

To create a time field that does not include a date component, configure the following option:

  • SQLDataType: Use a data type of time.
  • Default Value: If desired, enter a default value for the time field.
    • Aptify's supports the GETDATE() function that returns the current time.
    • Starting with 5.5, Aptify also supports using the function GETDATETIME to populate both the date and timestamp of fields of type DateTime.

A link box provides a link to another entity, typically to the other entity's ID field. This field creates a foreign key in the database and establishes a one-to-many relationship between the new entity and the related entity. To create a link box, configure the following option:

  • Name: Aptify's standard naming convention for link boxes is the name of the linked entity (in its singular form) and the linked entity field. For example, the name of a field linked to the Applications entity's ID field would be ApplicationID.
  • Display Name: Specify the name that you want users to see as the link box's caption on generated forms.
  • Linked Entity: Select an entity from the drop-down list.

    When you save a linked field for the first time, a message box appears asking if you want to create a virtual field for the linked field. See Joined Virtual Field for details. Likewise, when you delete a linked field and one or more virtual fields exist for the linked field, a message box appears asking you if you want to delete the virtual fields as well.

  • Linked Entity Field: Select a field in the Linked Entity from the drop-down list; this field is used as the foreign key. In general, the Linked Field is the ID field of the Linked Entity. However, other fields also appear in the drop-down list. To qualify as a Linked Field, a field in a related entity must meet the following criteria:
    • The Linked Field must be a primary key (the ID field) or a unique key in the Linked Entity. (This is a SQL Server requirement.)
    • The field in the Linked Entity must have the Is Required option selected. (This is an Aptify requirement.)

  • Values Tab: You only need to configure the Values tab if you want to enable the Multiple Selection dialog for In List filters. See Values Tab for details.
  • Options Tab: Do not select the Default in View if you intend to create a Joined Virtual Field.
  • Validation Tab: To create a required foreign key, select the Is Required field; a user will need to specify a value for the link box before he or she can save a new record in this service. To create an optional foreign key, clear the Is Required field; a user does not need to specify a value for the link box before saving a new record in this service.

If you want to support NULL for an optional foreign key, you must also select the Allow Null option on the field's General tab. In this case, Aptify stores NULL in this field if a user does not specify a value. If you do not select Allow Null for an optional foreign key, Aptify stores 0 in this field if a user does not specify a value. 

The example in the figure below illustrates a field that is linked to the Application entity's ID field.

Adding a Link Box Field

Joined Virtual Field

In a view, the value of the field shown in the above figure will be the ID of the Applications record that the user enters into the link box. To display a different field from the Linked Entity in a view (such as the Applications record's Name field), you need to add a virtual field to the entity. Aptify automatically adds virtual field information to an entity's Base View.

Aptify includes a wizard that assists with the creation of joined virtual fields. You can use this wizard or manually create the field yourself.

Using the Wizard to Create a Joined Virtual Field

The Aptify Entity Virtual Fields dialog appears automatically each time you save a new field that has a value selected for the Linked Entity field. You can also launch this dialog at any time by clicking the Add Virtual Fields... icon in the Fields tab's toolbar.

Add Virtual Fields Icon

Follow these steps to create a joined virtual field using the dialog:

  1. Create a Link Box or Data Combo Drop-down List field and click OK to save and close the Fields record.
    • A message dialog appears automatically.

      Create Virtual Field Message Dialog
  2. Click Yes to open the Aptify Entity Virtual Fields dialog.
    • You can also open the dialog at any time by clicking the Add Virtual Field... icon in the Field tab's toolbar. Note that an entity must have at least one linked field before the dialog will open.

  3. If the entity's Fields list has more than one linked field, select the linked field for which you want to create a virtual field from the Linked (Foreign Key) Field drop-down list.
    • The wizard loads and displays all of the fields from the entity linked to the field you selected.
    • If the linked field you created in Step 1 is the first or only linked field in the entity, the wizard loads and displays all of the fields from that linked entity automatically and the Linked (Foreign Key) Field is grayed out.
    • If one or more virtual fields already exist for the linked field, these existing virtual fields are grayed out within the wizard. Note that you cannot modify the settings for an existing virtual field within the wizard; in this case, you need to edit the corresponding Fields record.
    • The Is Required column helps you identify which of the fields are required to save a record in the related entity. You can ignore this column when creating a virtual field for a Standard link. (this column is important for Embedded links — see Understanding the Embedded Object Model for details).

  4. Select the Create column for each field for which you want to create a virtual field.
    • Typically, you want to create a virtual field for the linked entity's Name or Display Name field.
    • When you select the Create column for a field, the wizard also selects the Default In View column automatically.

  5. If you do not want the Virtual Field to appear in views by default, clear the Default In View column option.
  6. Enter a name for the field in the Virtual Field field.
    • Aptify's standard naming convention for virtual fields associated with a linked entity field is the name of the link box field plus _Name. For example, the virtual field for an ApplicationID link box would be named ApplicationID_Name.
    • The name cannot contain spaces or dashes.

  7. Specify the name that you want users to see as this field's column heading in a view in the Display Name field.
  8. Enter a Description for the virtual field (optional).

    Aptify Entity Virtual Fields Dialog
  9. Click OK to create the field.
    • The virtual field is added to the entity's Fields list.
    • If you want to review the virtual field's configuration, you can open the new Fields record.

  10. Add any additional fields and save and close the entity.

    • The virtual field information is automatically added to the entity's base view.

When you create a joined virtual field using the wizard, Aptify automatically sets the virtual field's Join Type to Required or Optional depending on whether or not the linked field is required.

Note that if you modify the Is Required option for a linked field at a later date, the system does not automatically update the Join Type for that field's virtual fields. In this case, you need to manually edit the Join Type for each virtual field related to the linked field you modified. See Join Type for more information on this parameter. 

Manually Create a Joined Virtual Field

Open a new Fields record and configure the following fields:

  • Name: Aptify's standard naming convention for virtual fields associated with a link box is the name of the link box field plus _Name. For example, the virtual field for an ApplicationID link box would be named ApplicationID_Name. The name cannot -contain spaces or dashes.

  • Display Name: Specify the name that you want users to see as this field's column heading in a view.

  • SQL Server settings: You do not need to specify these settings since this field will not be in the table. However, typically the SQL Data Type and SQL Field Size should be the same as the field to which the virtual field refers.

  • Options Tab: Configure the following options:
    • In Table: Clear the In Table option under the Options tab. A Virtual Field tab displays automatically.
    • Default In View: Select the option to display the virtual field in list views of this entity by default.

  • Virtual Field Tab: Configure the following fields on this tab:
    • Virtual Field Type: Select Joined.
    • Joined Entity: Select the entity that appears in the link box's Linked Entity field.
    • Joined Field: Select the field from the Joined Entity whose value you want to display in views.
    • Join Foreign Key: Enter the name of the corresponding link box field you created (such as ApplicationID). This field fills in automatically when you specify a Joined Entity.

  • Join Type: Select a Join Type. See Join Type for details. In general, use Optional for if the related linked field is not required and Required if the related linked field is required.

Virtual Field Setup

The above describes how to create a virtual field for a corresponding linked entity (link box) field. Note that the you can also use virtual fields for other purposes, such as creating a calculated field. See Virtual Field Tab for additional options.

Standard Combo Drop-down List

To create a combo drop-down list field, configure the following options:

  • Top Area and General Tab: Configure the fields in these areas as necessary.

  • Values Tab: Configure the following:
    • GUIType Single Select: Select Supported.
    • Value List Type: Select Static List.
    • Values Sub-Type: Add one Values sub-type record for each possible field value. In the example shown in the figure below, the static list contains the Active and Inactive values. These are the values that will appear in the drop-down list on the generated form. Note that the values enter in the value list can not exceed the SQL Field Size for the specified field. You can also localize the values associated with a standard comb drop-down list. See Localizing Standard and Data Combo Value Lists for more information.

Drop Down Field Setup

Data Combo Drop-down List

A Data Combo drop-down field displays a list of records from another table in the database. A field of this type may or may not be linked to a field in another entity.

You should use this control if you want to provide users with a drop-down list of pre-populated items from another table or entity. By specifying a SQL statement, you define the drop-down's list contents and you can display more than one column from the corresponding table or entity.

The example in the figure below shows a data combo drop-down field that displays the records from the Applications service. In this example, the Application's ID and Name appear in the drop-down list. When a user selects one of the applications from the list, the system stores the Application's ID as the contents of this field and displays the Application's Name within the field when displayed on the form.