Resizing a Dashboard Part

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Resizing a Dashboard Part

You can resize dashboard parts to better organize the appearance of the dashboard in the Aptify Desktop client. Parts are resized in relation to other parts within the same area. Therefore, you can only resize a dashboard part if the part's area contains two or more parts.

Follow these steps to resize a dashboard part within an area that contains two or more parts:

This procedure works for all dashboards.


  1. Position the cursor over an edge of a dashboard part until the cursor changes to a doubleheaded arrow.
  2. Drag the edge until the part is the desired size.
     Resize Parts in an Area

Minimizing and Maximizing Parts

Parts that display the title bar and the minimize button (circled in the figure below) can be minimized and maximized as needed.
Dashboard Part Minimize Button

Click the minimize button to hide the selected part. Then, when you need to see the part again, click the maximize button (shown in the figure below).
Dashboard Part Maximize Button

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