Bypassing the Duplicate Check Process
Bypassing the Duplicate Check Process
Aptify provides the ability to bypass the duplicate check process or override the return value of the Generic Entity's CheckForDuplicates method. To implement this functionality, Aptify supports the following optional flags, specified by temporary fields:
- _xBypassDuplicateCheck: This temporary field is used to bypass the duplicate check process and supports the following values:
- If this temporary field exists and has non-zero value, the duplicate check will not be executed and the result will be returned.
- If the field doesn't exist or is any other value than 1, the standard duplicate check will occur.
- _xOverrideCheckForDuplicatesResult: This temporary field is used to override the return value of the duplicate check process.
- If this temporary field exists and has a value of 2 or FalseOnPotentialMatch, the CheckForDuplicates method will return False when one or more Potential matches exist. All other results will not be changed from the standard logic.
- If the temporary field exists and has a value of 1 or AlwaysTrue, the CheckForDuplicates method will return True, regardless of the duplicate check result.
- If the temporary field exists with a zero value or AlwaysFalse, the CheckForDuplicates will return False, regardless of the duplicate check result.
- If the temporary field doesn't exist, the CheckForDuplicates method will return the standard duplicate check result. Note that when this temporary field exists, DisplayDuplicateMessage will not be called since the field is providing a value that cannot be overridden by the user.
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