Enabling the Duplicate Record Check for a Service
Aptify allows organizations to configure the system to check for possible duplicates when users save new records. This helps avoid a situation where the same person, item, or event has multiple records within the system.
An organization implements duplicate checking on a service-by-service basis depending on an organization's specific requirements. Contact your system administrator to determine whether or not a particular service has duplicate checking enabled. Administrators can refer to the Adding Plug-Ins to an Entity for more information on duplicate checking.
When enabled, Aptify can identify absolute duplicates and potential duplicates. Your administrator determines what information much match for a new record to qualify as a potential or absolute duplicate for an existing record. This criteria may vary on a service-by-service basis. Once a duplicate check plug-in has been added to an entity, all records saved through the Generic Entity (GE) are verified by this object. A duplicate check object can identify absolute duplicates and potential duplicates.
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