About the Balance Information for Grants

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About the Balance Information for Grants

An organization can track a grant's funding and disbursements on the Grants record's Balance tab.

The information on the Balance tab uses a combination of manually entered values and automatic calculations.

All automatic calculations are based on the currency type of the grant. For example, if a Donor Advised Fund is tracked in a different currency type, the appropriate Currency Spot Rate is used to calculate that Donor Advised Fund's portion of the DAF Allocations Received field based on the currency type of the grant.


Grant's -Balance Tab
This tab displays the following information:

  • Total Donations Received: This specifies the amount of cash pledges received that is being used to fund this grant. Note that a user manually enters the donation amount in this field.

  • Total DAF Allocations Received: This field automatically calculates the total amount from all Donor Advised Fund Allocations that are linked to this Grants record. See Allocating Money from Donor Advised Funds for information on how to link a Donor Advised Fund Allocation to a Grant.

  • Subtotal (Cash Value): Aptify automatically calculates this field's value by adding together the Total Donations Received and the Total DAF Allocations Received fields.

  • Total Pledged: This specifies the amount of outstanding pledges that have been committed to by donors but have not yet paid. Note that a user manually enters the donation amount in this field.

  • Total (Gross Value): Aptify automatically calculates this field's value by adding together the Subtotal (Cash Value) and the Total Pledged fields.

  • Total Fees: If the organization is charging fees for the grant, enter the fee amount in this field.

  • Deduct Fees?: If deducting the fees from the grant's total, select this field.

  • Fee Details: A user can enter information concerning the applicable grant fees in this field.

  • Grant Agreement Amount: The grant's total funding available to the grantee. This is the amount specified in the Grant Agreement with the grantee. Typically, this is the Total (Gross Value) minus fees, if applicable.

  • Total Estimated Payments: This field adds together the value of pending Grant Disbursements for this grant (that is, disbursements with a Status of Pending or Request -Payment Approval).

  • Total Completed Payments: This field adds together the value of approved Grant Disbursements for this grant (that is, disbursements with a Status of Approved, Notify -Bookkeeper or Paid).

  • Current Balance: This is the Subtotal (Cash Value) minus Total Fees (if Deduct Fees? is selected) minus Total Completed Payments.

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