About the Entity Bulk Operations Form

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About the Entity Bulk Operations Form

The Entity Bulk Operations form defines the bulk operations (such as mass updates to data) configured for entities.

Entity Bulk Operations Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Entity Bulk Operations record.

Details Tab


The comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Entity Bulk Operations record.

Help Text

This feature is reserved for future use.

Entity Bulk Operations Form - Details Tab
General Tab

Name (Required)

The Name field holds the name of the Entity Bulk Operation.


The Description field stores the description of the Entity Bulk Operation.

Entity (Required)

The bulk operation defined in this record runs against the entity chosen in this field. For example, if the Dashboards entity is selected in this field, the Bulk Operation Wizard icon appears in the display window toolbar of the Dashboards service.

Type (Required)

An Entity Bulk Operation can have one of the following types:

  • Rule: The Entity Bulk Operation follows a set of rules defined in the Rules tab in the Entity Bulk Operation record. Each rule applies to a field in the specified Entity.
  • Component: The Entity Bulk Operation uses logic contained in a specified component to perform the updates to the Entity record(s). This is used when the business logic is too complex to be expressed as a standard rule.

Run As Single Transaction (Required)

If this option is selected, all the records in the view update in one SQL transaction. If any of the records fail to update, all records processed up to that point roll back to their original version.

If this option is not selected, each record processes as its own transaction, and only the records that fail roll back. If the bulk operation is run on a large number of records in a view, the system locks the records and other users may be blocked as a result. This option is not recommended if the bulk operation is set to update records with dependencies.

Create Audit List (Required)

If this option is selected, the Entity Bulk Operation writes the update information to a System Lists record. This feature is reserved for future use.

Allow Everyone To Run (Required)

If this option is selected, permission to run the given operation is granted to all users and all groups, and the Group Permissions and User Permissions tabs are disabled.


The location of the bulk operation component in the Aptify Object Repository. This field is only available if the Type is set to Component. See Selecting a Component for information on how to create a component for an Entity Bulk Operation.


The .NET assembly name of the object specified in the Component field. This field is only available if the Type is set to Component.


The class in the specified component that contains the bulk operation logic to perform. This field is only available if the Type is set to Component.


The icon file in the Aptify Object repository for the object in the Object field. This field is reserved for future use. Note that it is only available if the Type is set to Component.

Icon Small

The small icon file in the Aptify Object repository for the object in the Object field. This field is reserved for future use. Note that it is only available if the Type is set to Component.

Group Permissions Tab

The Group Permissions tab contains a list of all Bulk Operation Group Permissions records, which define the groups granted permission to access this entity bulk operation when the Allow Everyone To Run option is not selected.

Rules Tab

The Rules tab lists all Rules that apply to this entity bulk operation. Each Rules record applies to a single field in the Entities record, and multiple rules may be configured for each entity bulk operation. This tab is only applicable if the Type is set to Rule.

User Permissions Tab

The User Permissions tab contains a list of all Bulk Operation User Permissions records, which define the users who can execute this bulk operation when the Allow Everyone To Run option is not selected.

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