About the Dashboard Button Bars Form

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About the Dashboard Button Bars Form

The Dashboard Button Bars form defines button bar properties, such as the dashboard buttons linked to the button bar.

Dashboard Button Bars Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Dashboard Button Bars record.

General Tab

Unique ID

A globally unique identifier (GUID) to uniquely identify the Dashboard Button Bars record during a data migration process. Aptify automatically generates a value for this field and it should not be modified.


The Name field holds the name of the dashboard button bar.


The Description field stores the description of the dashboard button bar.

Button Height

Default for a button in this bar, specified in pixels. The default value is 44.

Button Width

The default width of a button in this bar, specified in pixels. The default value is 100.


This parameter determines the areas appearance. The options are Top-Bottom, Bottom-Top, Left-Right, and Right-Left. System is the default style.

Back Color

This is the background color for the button bar. The system converts the color selected by the user to its corresponding ARGB value.

Text Color

This is the color for the button bar text. The system converts the color selected by the user to its corresponding ARGB value.

Start Left

Positions the first button on the Dashboard Button Bar in the left position.

Start Top

Positions the first button on the Dashboard Button Bar in the specified number of pixels from the left position.

Space Width

Specifies the amount of horizontal space, in pixels, between buttons on the bar.

Space Height

Specifies the amount of vertical space, in pixels, between buttons on the bar.


The comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Dashboard Button Bars record.

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