About the Currency Spot Rates Form

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About the Currency Spot Rates Form

The Currency Spot Rates service lists all the currency spot rates that have been generated, imported, or manually entered for use with the Mark-To-Market object or when paying for an order in a different currency than what is specified on the order. The Mark-To-Market object uses these values to generate the general ledger (GL) entries for foreign currency transaction gains or losses. The system also uses these values to calculate conversion adjustments when paying for an order in a different spot rate. Once a Currency Spot Rates record has been saved, it cannot be modified.

Currency Spot Rates Record

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Currency Spot Rates record.

General Tab

Date (Required)

The date field tracks the effective date and time for the currency spot rate.

Currency (Required)

The Currency field indicates the currency type for which the spot rate is being recorded. This field links to the Currency Types service.

Base Currency (Required)

The Base Currency field defines which currency the spot rate is against. For instance, if recording a spot rate for Yen, specify which base currency the spot rate is defined for (example - US Dollar). This field links to the Currency Types service.

Spot Rate (Required)

The Spot Rate field indicates the units of the Currency Type per one (1) unit of the Base Currency. Aptify supports Currency Spot Rates to four decimal places. Therefore, if you enter more than four digits after the decimal point, the system will automatically round the value to the fourth decimal place.


The Comments field contains any additional details relevant to the Currency Spot Rates record.

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