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Adding a New Tab to the Navigation Bar in Aptify Mobile for Members

This topic describes how to add a new tab element to the Navigation Bar in the Aptify Mobile for Members user interface.

HTML Structure

  1. Locate the following:

    <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-theme="h">
    <div data-role="navbar" class="navbar-btm">

  2. Add a new list item <li> under the <ul>
  3. Give it a unique ID (_nb denotes navbar, not mandatory to add but separates from the rest).

    For example:

     <a href="pagelocation.html" id="mynewtab_nb" data-icon="custom" 
     data-iconpos="top" data-iconshadow="false" data-theme="h">New Tab</a> 


Changing the Icon in CSS Styles

  1. Locate - /**********Nav_bar_Styles******/ in styles/aptify.mobile.css
  2. This holds styles for the navigation bar structure and design. Add the New Tab's icon selector as a part of the structure.


    #upcoming-events_nb .ui-icon, #all-events_nb .ui-icon, #my-events_nb .ui-icon, #myprofile_nb .ui-icon, #orderhistory_nb .ui-icon, #myconnections_nb .ui-icon, #btnNews .ui-icon, #btnTwitter .ui-icon, #btnFacebook .ui-icon, #sessions_nb .ui-icon, #speakers_nb .ui-icon, #housing_nb .ui-icon, #attendees_nb .ui-icon{ width:25px;height:30px;top:3px;border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;} 

  3. Add the new tab's ui-icon class as a selector in the above list.

    For example:

    #mynewtab_nb .ui-icon, #upcoming-events_nb .ui-icon, #all-events_nb .ui-icon, #my-events_nb .ui-icon, #myprofile_nb .ui-icon, #orderhistory_nb .ui-icon, #myconnections_nb .ui-icon, #btnNews .ui-icon, #btnTwitter .ui-icon, #btnFacebook .ui-icon, #sessions_nb .ui-icon, #speakers_nb .ui-icon, #housing_nb .ui-icon, #attendees_nb .ui-icon{width:25px;height:30px;top:3px;border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px;} 

    • This will add the newtab's ui-icon the same styles (dimensions) as the other tabs.
  4. Add the icon to the images folder.
  5. Create a new style below as follows: #mynewtab_nb .ui-icon{background:url(images/newicontab.png) no-repeat left top;}
  6. For more info on using Navigation Bars and Custom icons, visit this page:



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