New Features

New Features

Important Enhancements in Aptify 6.2 Release:

Aptify Setup Program Installs Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8

The Aptify setup program has been updated to install Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 as part of the Aptify 6.2 release. This change affects the software requirements for running the following Aptify 6.2 software components:

  • 6.2 Desktop Client
  • 6.2 Aptify Web
  • Classic e-Business 5.5.3
  • e-Business 6.0

The other add-on setups that have been tested and upgraded will include the following setups for:

  1. Expologic Integration with Aptify
  2. Career Lead Integration with Aptify
  3. Informz Package
  4. Twilio
  5. GDPR


With Aptify 6.2, each computer that runs the Aptify application now requires .NET Framework 4.8. If not already installed on a computer, you can download the .NET Framework 4.8 installer. Click here to download. 

Please note that the Application server setup has not changed but the latest 6.2 application server dlls should be download and applied.

Updated e-Business 6.0 for supporting Aptify 6.2

With major upgrades in Aptify 6.2, an updated e-Business 6.0 Setup is available, which can be installed on Aptify 6.2. Please contact support for getting access to the new setup program.

To learn more about the manual deployment instructions, click here.

Telerik Upgrade for Classic e-Business 5.5.3

With the Aptify 6.2 release, the latest Telerik upgrade (Version 2020.2.617.45) was applied, upgraded, and tested on Classic e-business 5.5.3  for CMS and NON-CMS.

To learn more about the manual deployment instructions, click here.

Other Features in Aptify 6.2 Release:

Aptify Web: Upgrade jQuery to Version 3.5.1

Aptify 6.2 updates the jQuery JavaScript library upgrade from jQuery v1.12.4 to jQuery v3.5.1. For more information, refer to the jQuery website: https://jquery.com/

Update the Kendo UI library and other 3rd party controls

With Aptify 6.2 features, the Kendo UI library and other third-party controls have been updated to the latest version. The Kendo UI Version was upgraded from v2018.2.516 to v2020.2.617

(Issue 4297)

New U.S. ZIP Code and Congressional District Data in the ZIP Code Update Utility

Aptify 6.2 provides a new set of U.S. ZIP code and Congressional District data, dated September 2020. This data can be applied using the ZIP code update utility. See Running the Update Utility for U.S. ZIP Codes for more information.

(Issue 5040)

Updated Informz package to support Aptify 6.1 and 6.2 Release

The Informz package has been updated to install successfully on Aptify 6.1 or Aptify 6.2. Contact Support for more information on the setup details.

(Issue 4613)

Bluepay HPP implementation for classic e-Business 5.5.3

Bluepay Hosted payment page was implemented in e-Business 5.5.3. The hosted payment page was tested and verified on the e-Business 5.5.3 application installed on Aptify base version 6.1. 

Click here to learn more about how to configure Bluepay HPP with classic e-Business 5.5.3

(Issue 4611)

e-Business Bluepay HPP implementation for e-Business 6

Bluepay Hosted payment page was implemented in e-Business 6. The hosted payment page was tested and verified on the e-Business 6 application installed on Aptify base version 6.1 and 6.2. For Aptify 6.1, a separate Bluepay HPP setup is available. Please contact support for the installer. Click here to learn more about the deployment instructions for configuring Bluepay HPP on e-Business 6.0 with Aptify 6.1 .

With Aptify 6.2, Bluepay HPP is integrated in the updated e-Business 6.0 setup and no separate installation or configuration is needed. Click here to learn more about the updated setup for e-Business 6.0 that runs on Aptify 6.2.

Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019 as a Platform for Aptify

With the release of Aptify 6.2, Aptify has conducted testing using SQL Server 2019 and no compatibility issues have been identified. Please contact the Support team if you encounter any problems or have questions about using Aptify with this version of SQL Server.

(Issue 4618)

Support for Microsoft Windows 2019 as a Platform for Aptify applications

With the release of Aptify 6.2, Aptify has conducted testing using Windows 2019 and no compatibility issues have been identified. Please contact the Support team if you encounter any problems or have questions about using Aptify with this version of Windows.

(Issue 4619)

Quick Base View Generator Wizard

Aptify 6.2 includes a new quick base view generator wizard, which enables customers to build a straightforward base view for a top-level entity and a subtype and/or linked entity. The current base view generation steps require more planning while the new wizard streamlines the base view creation process. The wizard also allows users to build multiple base views during each run, unlike the existing wizard which requires a new run for each base view.

To learn more about multiple base views, refer to the following pages: Using Multiple Base Views and Create Base View using Quick Base View Generator Wizard.

(Issue 4828)

Add Support for Hotkeys in Aptify Web

Aptify 6.2 adds support for Hotkeys (shortcut Keys) in Aptify Web, for Web users and Aptify Administrators.

  • Aptify Web users can use pre-defined hotkeys in Aptify Web
  • Aptify administrators can extend the pre-defined list of hotkeys 

New Web shortcut Keys can be added under the Aptify Web Shortcuts service, available in the Customer Management application.

For more information on Shortcut Keys, refer to Configuring Shortcut Keys (Hotkeys) for Aptify Web document.

Wootric Integration with Aptify Web

With Aptify 6.2, Aptify Web will be integrated with Wootric software for generating the NPS Score. When an administrator logs into Aptify Web, we would use Wootric to occasionally display an NPS survey to collect Net Promoter Scores.

The content of the survey, the display schedule, and permissions are all configurable in Wootric. Wootric already has settings available to provide various survey configurations. All the survey configurations will be respected by Aptify when an admin user is prompted for a survey.

This will be targeted at Admin users, and not general staff, and not integrated with e-Business. The survey data will be stored in Wootric. We are collecting data from the customer about Aptify. For more information, please refer to Wootric Integration with Aptify 6.2.

One Drive Integration (attachment download from one-drive) in Aptify Web

With One drive integration, an option will be available for Aptify Web Users to download files from One drive to Aptify Web. Please note that the Existing attachment feature available in Aptify Web will not be impacted and will continue to work as expected.

For more information, please refer to OneDrive Integration with Aptify Web.

Freestone Integration with Aptify

Community brands offers a couple of LMS products for organizations that provide a learning platform to carry or manage educational and training programs for their end users. Now associations using our AMS product does have a requirement to integrate the Freestone LMS. As a Community Brand team, we want to support both Freestone LMS product integration with Aptify AMS to help our clients for better service and save time, cost involved with the integration. The courses that are registered in Aptify will now be integrated with Freestone for further processing.

Crowd Wisdom Integration with Aptify

Community Brands offer a couple of LMS products for organizations that provide a learning platform to carry or manage educational and training programs for their end users. Now such association using our AMS product may have requirement to integrate the Crowd Wisdom LMS. As a Community Brand team, we want to support both Crowd Wisdom LMS products integration with Aptify AMS to help our clients for better service and save time, cost involved with the integration. The courses that are registered in Aptify will now be integrated with Crowd Wisdom for further processing.

Web Socket Support for Signalr connection in Aptify Web

Aptify 6.2 provides support for web socket connections when deploying applications on Azure. To know more about Web sockets, click here.

SignalR uses the new WebSocket transport where available and falls back to older transports where necessary. While it is possible to develop apps using WebSocket directly, using SignalR saves time and effort by providing much of the required functionality. Most importantly, this means that you can code your app to take advantage of WebSocket without having to worry about creating a separate code path for older clients. SignalR also shields you from having to worry about updates to WebSocket, since SignalR is updated to support changes in the underlying transport, providing your application a consistent interface across versions of WebSocket. Click here to learn more.

CSRF support in Aptify Web

With Aptify 6.2, Aptify Web provides CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Support to provide application security. The CSRF option is disabled by default, and is controlled with the following attribute:

<add key="Aptify.Services.Csrf.EnableCSRFProtection" value="false"/>

It can be enabled by setting the attribute value to “true”.

To know more about CSRF documentation settings, please click here.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated.

Twilio Co-Pilot and API Feature Updates

Aptify 6.2 has updated the Twilio integration to support the latest API and to support a new feature called Co-Pilot. To learn more about Twilio Co-Pilot, click here.

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