Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 Release Notes

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Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 Release Notes

First published September 29, 2015


While testing internally, Aptify identified an issue where the e-Business 5.5.3 setup (full or update versions) may fail due to an entity name mismatch (space vs. no space). Aptify has implemented and tested a solution to resolve this issue and we are officially releasing revised versions of the full and updater setups for e-Business 5.5.3. You will find both setups in your client FTP folder under the APTIFY_553 folder. The new versions have_Revised appended to their title. Note that the older versions of the setup should work in most cases, however it is recommended to use the revised versions going forward.

If you have additional questions or need assistance accessing this release, please contact Aptify Support or submit a Freshdesk ticket.


This topic provides an overview of the new features and resolved issues found in Aptify e-Business version 5.5.3. The content of this topic is broken down into the following sections:

Important Notes

e-Business 5.5.3 Requires Aptify 5.5.3

Aptify 5.5.3 includes the installation of Microsoft.NET Framework version 4.5. To ensure compatibility, the e-Business 5.5.3 re-compiles the setup program to support Microsoft.NET Framework version 4.5. This means:

  • Your Aptify database must be running 5.5.3 to install or upgrade an existing e-Business site (i.e. a site that was installed prior to Aptify 5.5.3) to e-Business 5.5.3. 
  • If not already installed .NET Framework 4.5 on Web server where you are going to install e-Business, you can download the installer here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653. (Issue 20885)

ICE Site Based on Sitefinity 8.1

The International Coffee Executives (ICE), which is one of the sample sites included with e-Business 5.5.3, is based on Sitefinity 8.1 (Sitefinity version 8.1.5710).

Note that new versions of Sitefinity come out quarterly and sometimes more frequently than that. Aptify will support organizations who want to use a later version of Sitefinity than 8.1, however, the ICE starter site is tied to that version. Organizations that want to use the ICE starter site to begin development should start with Sitefinity 8.1 and then upgrade it to a newer version of Sitefinity by following Sitefinity's recommended upgrade path (the Sitefinity project manager includes an option that will update an older site to the current version). Below is an outline of the process to follow:

  1. Install Sitefinity 8.1.
  2. Install e-Business ICE site on Sitefinity 8.1 following the steps in the Installing the e-Business Sitefinity Sample Site.
  3. Install the newer version of Sitefinity.
  4. Follow Sitefinity's instructions to upgrade a site from 8.1 to the current version.

Clients who want to use e-Business controls but do not want to base their development on the starter site can go directly to their desired version of Sitefinity (Sitefinity 8.1 is not required in this case – you only need 8.1 if using the ICE site).

Aptify understands that clients frequently want to use a newer version of Sitefinity, so as long as an organization follows one of the upgrade paths defined above (i.e., with or without the sample site), Aptify will support the latest version of Sitefinity, even if it has not been formally tested in conjunction with an e-Business release. (Issues 21583)

New Features

New features have been added in the following categories in Aptify e-Business 5.5.3:

Order Entry

The following new feature was added to Order Entry as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

Support for Distinguishing Between Individual and Company Orders and Payments in e-Business 

In e-Business 5.5.2 and earlier, Aptify assumed that all orders and payments placed over an e-Business site were Company-specific if the logged in Web User was affiliated with a company. However, in version 5.5.3, Aptify added support for Company Only orders in the staff interfaces and clarified how to distinguish between individual and company orders and payments. Those concepts have now also been applied to e-Business 5.5.3.

The following functions are provided to support the individual/company option in Aptify e-Business 5.5.3:

  • During checkout, a Web User affiliated with a company can now identify if an order is for that individual specifically (a personal order) or on behalf of his/her company (a corporate order). 
  • Orders placed by a Web User who has no company affiliation continue to be handled as personal orders. 
  • By default, a payment applied to a corporate order assumes a corporate payment and a payment applied to a personal order assumes a personal payment.
  • If needed, an organization can configure the EnablePaymentTypeSelection parameter in the Aptify_UC_Navigation.config file (for the CreditCard user control) to activate a payment type selection option. This provides Web Users with the ability to identify if a payment is personal or corporate independent of the order's type (personal or corporate).
  • Aptify has updated the Order History controls to include the Order and Payment parties in the grid results (applies to both standard Web Users and to the company administrator interface).
  • Company Administrators can now identify a different Ship To person from his/her company during checkout. 

For additional information on the changes for this feature, see Paying Orders in Aptify e-Business. For additional information on the implementation of Company Only orders in Aptify 5.5.3, see Support for Company Only Orders and the related topics in Using Order Entry. (Issue 20942)


The following new feature was added to the Setup program as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3. 

Support for Learning Management System Installation on Aptify 5.5.3

Aptify 5.5.3 includes the installation of Microsoft.NET Framework version 4.5. To ensure compatibility, the Aptify Learning Management System (LMS) 5.5.1 setup program has been recompiled to support this change. This means:

  • The new version of the LMS setup is is referred to as Aptify Learning Management System (LMS) 5.5.1 for 5.5.3.
  • To use this new setup, your Aptify database must be running 5.5.3 to install or upgrade an existing LMS 5.0 implementation to LMS 5.5.1. 

For more information about Aptify LMS, see Using Aptify Learning Management System. (Issue 20899)

Resolved Issues

Issues have been resolved in the following categories in Aptify e-Business 5.5.3:


The following issues were resolved in the Framework application as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

CMS User Synchronization Wizard: Scenario Where Roles Do Not Get Updated

Currently in Aptify e-Business, there is an issue with the synchronize groups option in the Content Management System service, where role assignments from Aptify are not being updated in Sitefinity. When a user runs the CMS User Synchronization wizard to first create a CMS user and then link a web user to that CMS user, the group synchronization may not occur when web groups are removed for an e-Business user. Upon logging in, the Sitefinity roles are not being removed from the Sitefinity user in this case. The roles only get removed when the CMS User Synchronization wizard is run again, and the link is updated. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates two objects to ensure that in this scenario, the Sitefinity roles are removed from the Sitefinitiy user without having to run the synchronization wizard again. (Issue 17862)

Default Preferred Addresses Are Not Being Set On Persons When the Web User Is Created Through e-Business

Currently in Aptify e-Business, when a web user is created through e-Business, the three Preferred Address fields on the associated Persons record are blank when the Aptify web interface is used to view this Persons record, even when Microsoft IIS is restarted and the browser cache is cleared.  As a result, when this web user is used on the Aptify web interface, the Orders record does not display the address information. Note that this is not an issue when viewing the Persons record through the Aptify Desktop client. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Profile user control to ensure that in this scenario, the values for the Preferred Address fields flow down as expected. (Issue 21545)

Education SQL Injection Vulnerable

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2, the Education user controls may be vulnerable to SQL injection. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the user controls and adds the stored procedures listed below.

  • User Controls
    • View Course

    • View Class

    • Class Registration
  • Stored Procedures
    • spLoadPrerequisites

    • sploadlocations

    • spLoadInstructors

    • spValidateClassRegistration

    • spLoadSyllabus

    • spLoadStudents

    • spLoadClassSyllabus

    • spLoadClass

    • spLoadClassInfo

(Issue 21368)

LinkedIn: Update the URL Field Based on the Latest API Changes

On May 12, 2015, LinkedIn restricted access to parts of its API to members of the LinkedIn partnership programs. This change impacts the Aptify e-Business integration with LinkedIn for any organization using this integration that is not currently a LinkedIn partner. 


LinkedIn now restricts API calls to Basic Profile fields (r_basicprofile) unless an organization is a member of a LinkedIn partnership program. Users with the basic profile no longer have access to the contacts, education history, and employment history for those Web Users who have synchronized their e-Business account with LinkedIn. Members of a LinkedIn partnership program have permission to continue accessing the full set of profile fields (r_fullprofile). Organizations that are not LinkedIn partners can access the Basic Profile fields, as described in the LinkedIn developer documentation on the Sign In with LinkedIn feature:


See the following pages for additional information:


Becoming a LinkedIn Partner

Since the LinkedIn member interaction occurs with each organization’s Web site and Aptify system, each organization needs to apply to become a LinkedIn partner separately to ensure continued access to the r_fullprofile fields. This follows how the system is already configured – to setup the initial integration, each organization needed to generate its own LinkedIn application from the LinkedIn developer site (https://developer.linkedin.com/index).

Organizations can apply to become a LinkedIn partner here: https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs/apply.


This change requires a different URL for requesting tokens. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the full setup program to provide the new request token URL in the LinkedIn External Services record. Users that update their e-Business environment to Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 must manually change the value in the Request Token URL field in the LinkedIn External Services record. See the Configuration Procedure section for the procedure to perform this update. (Issue 22480)

Problems With the Web Enabled Field Options on Topic Code

Currently in Aptify e-Business,  when a user attempts to define when a Topic Code should appear on the web, for certain sets of Topic Code and Topic Code Entities values, the setting of the Web Enabled option for the Topic Code does not perform as expected. For example, there are Topic Code and Topic Code Entities value combinations where selecting the Web Enabled option should result in the Topic Code being displayed on the web, and the Topic Code is not displayed on the web. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Topic Code Viewer user control to ensure that the Web Enabled option works as expected for specifying when a Topic Code should be displayed on the web. (Issue 21809)

Remove Sitefinity 4x SSO User Control And References From Profile Control For Non-CMS Installs

Currently in Aptify e-Business, when an ASP.NETsite (which does not use a Content Management System) is being installed, the new user page generates a compilation error that identifies a Sitefinity 4x SSO profile control as the problem.This issue is due to the Sitefinity ICE CMS and ASP.NET sites using common profile user controls. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the profile user controls to differentiate CMS and non-CMS sites to ensure CMS related errors are not displayed for non-CMS sites. (Issue 20970)

SecurityError.aspx Vulnerable To JavaScript Injection Attack

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2 and earlier, a security issue has been identified, where the SecurityError.aspx is vulnerable to a JavaScript injection attack. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Security Error user control and the EBusinessHttpModule object to encrypt the URL string for the Security Error control and ensure that the system is no longer vulnerable to a JavaScript injection attack. Note that the solution for this issue was partially deployed with e-Business 5.5.2. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 provides the full solution for this issue. (Issue 17302)

Learning Management System

The following issues were resolved in the Learning Management System (LMS) application as part of the Aptify LMS 5.5.1 for Aptify 5.5.3 setup programs.

LMS: Person Merger Process Fails On an Environment With LMS

A user may not be able to merge two Persons records on systems that installed the original Aptify Learning Management System (LMS) 5.5.1 release (for Aptify 5.5.1 or 5.5.2). If the Persons record to be deleted is linked to LMS Reporting results, the Aptify dependency check will prevent the merge from completing with this error or a similar variation:

Invalid object name 'APTIFY..LMSReportingDetails'

Aptify has resolved this problem in the updated LMS 5.5.1 setup programs for Aptify 5.5.3 and has hotfix instructions available for any client who installed the original version of Aptify LMS 5.5.1. Please contact Aptify Technical Support to obtain the hotfix instructions. (Issue 20637)

LMS Updater: Errors Get Logged When A User Administration Wizard Is Run Where LMS Updater is Installed

In environments where the Aptify LMS 5.5.1 updater program is run, there is an issue where running the User Administration wizard causes some silent errors to be logged. This issue is caused by a portion of the code that is attempting to add the user to the EndUsers group in the AptifyLMS database, but the EndUsers group does not exist. Aptify has resolved this problem in the latest LMS 5.5.1 updater program by adding the EndUsers role to the AptifyLMS database. (Issue 20640)


The following issue was resolved in the Meeting Management application as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

Update Calendar User Control to Include the 2014-2017 Years

Currently in Aptify e-Business there is an issue where users are unable to display meeting information for meetings scheduled for a year post 2013. This is due to the latest available year in the Calendar View being 2013. Aptify 5.5.3 updates the Calendar user control to ensure that the years 2014 through 2017 are available for use in the Calendar View. (Issue 21750)

Online Ordering

The following issues were resolved in the Online Ordering controls as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

Class Registration Page: Incorrect Elements Displayed When PurchaseOrderPaymentTypeID is 0

Currently in Aptify e-Business, there is an issue where when the PurchaseOrderPaymentTypeID attribute is set to 0, incorrect elements are displayed in the Class Registration page, depending on the type of product. For example, when a class is of Product Type Class the credit card control should only been displayed in the shopping cart, however, when the PurchaseOrderPaymentTypeID attribute is set to 0, the credit card control appears on the Class Registration page. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Class Registration user control to ensure that when the PurchaseOrderPaymentTypeID attribute is set to 0, the Class Registration page contains the expected elements for all product types. (Issue 21532)

Creating a Saved Payment Method Causes Two Sets of Authorization

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2 and earlier, there is an issue where when a Web User adds a Saved Payment Method to his or her online profile and the organization is using credit card reference transactions to tokenize the card number, Aptify attempts to authorize the card twice. If the NoZDA attribute is set to 0, there are two transactions recorded in the PayPal Manager interface. If the NoZDA attribute is set to 1, there are four transactions recorded in PayPal (two $1 authorizations and two $1 voids). In addition, the incorrect expiration date is being passed for the Saved Payment Method during the first authorization. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Saved Payment Method user control to ensure that only one authorization (and one Void, if applicable) is created in the above scenario, and that the correct expiration date is passed for the Saved Payment Method. (Issue 20462)

Incorrect Expiry Date Shows Up On the Order And PayPal

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2 and earlier, there is an issue where when the date format is changed, the PayPal information for the order shows an incorrect date for the expiration date of the credit card. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the CreditCard user control to ensure that in this scenario, the correct expiration date is shown. (Issue 20655)

ItemsInCart User Control Has Missing Tags

Currently in e-Business, the page that displays items in the cart may not display as expected. This is due to the ItemsInCart user control missing several closing tags in the code behind in the control. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the ItemsInCart user control to ensure that the control displays the items in the cart as expected. (Issue 20908)

Make A Payment Page Creates Duplicate Payments

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2, there is an issue that can occur when a user on the Make a Payment page clicks the Make Payment button twice. A duplicate payment may be submitted and the user is charged twice. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Make Payment user control to ensure that clicking the Make Payment button multiple times only results in a single payment charge by disabling the button after the first click. (Issue 21797)

Make a Payment Page Does Not Work For Orders in Non-US Currencies

In Aptify e-Business, a user may not be able to create a payment on the Customer Service Make a Payment page if making a payment using non-US currencies, specifically when making payment in a currency with multi-character symbols. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Make Payment user controls to separate the currency symbol from the payment in the Payment Amount column, ensuring that payments are created as expected.  (Issue 21792)


The following issue was resolved in the Products user controls as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

SQL Deadlock/Timeout Issue When Placing an Order for Membership Product

With Aptify e-Business 5.5.2 , when a customer's environment is set up to ship orders based on their own business rules (that is, instead of the stock Aptify rules) and a new user attempts to add a membership product, an SQL deadlock may occur. After some time, the process will timeout and the browser is redirected to a confirmation page. This issue was resolved by updates to stored procedures in Aptify 5.5.3. Since Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 requires Aptify 5.5.3, this issue is resolved with this version of e-Business.  (Issue 19994)


The following issue was resolved in the Setup as part of Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

Unpack Latest Version of Company Admin Process Flow During Setup

In Aptify e-Business 5.5.2, the Setup program unpacked two versions of the Company Admin process flow, which causes errors. One version is for Aptify e-Business 5.5.2, and the other version is for Aptify e-Business 5.5.1. Aptify e-Business 5.5.3 updates the Setup program so that only the latest version of the Company Admin process flow is unpacked. (Issue 21028)

Configuration Procedure

This section contains a procedure that can be run on your e-Business environment to configure specific functionality after you complete an update to Aptify e-Business 5.5.3:

Updating the LinkedIn External Systems Record

In the spring of 2015, LinkedIn restricted access to parts of its API to members of the LinkedIn partnership programs. This change effects the integration between Aptify e-Business and LinkedIn. For more information about this change, see the release note for Issue 22480.

If your e-Business environment includes an integration with LinkendIn, and you have updated to e-Business 5.5.3, you must modify the LinkedIn External Systems record by entering the new request token URL required by LinkedIn in the Request Token URL field. This procedure is based on the procedure found in the "Linking Aptify with a Social Networking Application" section in the Integrating with Social Networking Sites chapter of the Aptify e-Business 5.5 Developer Guide.

Follow these steps to modify the LinkedIn External Systems record after updating to Aptify e-Business 5.5.3.

  1. Open the LinkedIn record from the External Systems service.
    • The External System service is located under the e-Business application
  2. In the Request Token URL field, replace the current value with the following new request token URL:


  3. Save and close the External Systems record.

New and Modified Compiled Objects

This section lists the new and modified compiled objects in this and previous releases of Aptify.

Changes in e-Business 5.5.3

The following compiled assembly was modified between e-Business 5.5.3 and e-Business 5.5.2:

  • EBusinessShoppingCart.dll                                           (


Changes in e-Business 5.5.2

The following compiled assemblies have been modified between e-Business 5.5.2 and e-Business 5.5.1. Note that the list identifies the DLL version as of the e-Business 5.5.2 release and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of that DLL.

  • AptifyCMSIntegration.dll                                    (
  • AptifyEBusinessUser.dll                                     (
  • AptifyGenericEntity.dll                                        ( – only if Aptify 5.5.2 is not installed)
  • AptifyGenericEntityBase.dll                                ( – only if Aptify 5.5.2 is not installed)
  • AptifyMelissaDataWebServiceVerification.dll     (
  • AptifyOrdersEntity.dll                                         (
  • AptifySecurityKey.dll                                          (
  • AptifySocialNetworkIntegration.dll                     (
  • AptifyWebGlobal.dll                                           (
  • BaseUserControlAdvanced.dll                           (
  • EBusinessLogin.dll                                             (
  • EBusinessShoppingCart.dll                                (
  • EntityUserControlGenerator.dll                         (
  • WebUserActivity.dll                                            (

Changes in e-Business 5.5.1

The following compiled assemblies have been modified between e-Business 5.5.1 and e-Business 5.0 SP2. Note that the list identifies the DLL version as of the e-Business 5.5.1 release and does not necessarily reflect the latest version of that DLL.

e-Business 5.5 to e-Business 5.5.1

For reference, below is a list of e‐Business dlls that have been modified or added since e‐Business 5.5.

  • AptifyEBusinessUser.dll                                  (
  • AptifyCMSIntegration.dll                                 (
  • AptifyCMSIntegrationGUI.dll                           ( ‐ Desktop client only
  • AptifyEktronCMSIntegration_86.dll                 (
  • AptifyKnowledgeWebControls.dll                    (
  • AptifyLinkedInIntegration.dll                            (
  • AptifyMarketplaceListingsEntity.dll                  (
  • AptifyMarketplaceListingsUI.dll                       ( - Desktop client  only
  • AptifyWebGlobal                                             (
  • BaseUserControlAdvanced                            (
  • EBusinessHttpModule                                    (
  • EBusinessLogin.dll                                         (
  • EBusinessShoppingCart.dll                            (
  • EntityUserControlGenerator                           ( ‐ Desktop client only

e-Business 5.0 SP3 to e-Business

For reference, below is a list of Aptify dlls that have been modified since e‐Business SP3 (and were not changed in 5.5 or 5.5.1). So, for upgrades from SP2/3 to 5.5.1, you should see these objects updated. For upgrades from to 5.5, you should already have these versions in the repository:

  • AptifyEktronCMSIntegration_80235.dll                    (
  • AptifyEktronCMSIntegration_85.dll                          (
  • AptifyHttpHandler.dll                                                (
  • AptifyPersonSocialNetworkMismatchesLayout.dll   ( ‐ Desktop client only
  • AptifySocialNetworkIntegration.dll                           (
  • AptifySocialNetworkProcessComponents.dll           (
  • EBusinessGlobal.dll                                                 (
  • EBusinessHierarchyTree.dll                                     (

e-Business 5.0 SP2 to e-Business 5.5.1

For reference, below is a list of Aptify dlls that have been modified since e‐Business SP2 (and were not changed in a later release). So, for upgrades from SP2 to 5.5.1, you should see these objects updated. For the other upgrade paths, you should already have these versions in the repository:

  • AptifyEktronCMSIntegration_76.dll             (
  • AptifyEktronCMSIntegration_80.dll             (
  • AptifyHttpModule.dll                                    (
  • AptifyRSSFeed.dll                                      (
  • AptifyWebExclusionManager.dll                 (
  • AptifyWebUtility.dll                                     (

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