Creating Advertising Color Codes

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Creating Advertising Color Codes

Advertising color codes differentiate the kinds or levels of color used in creating advertisements. Each color code becomes part of the pricing matrix when determining the price of an advertisement.
Color codes, along with size codes, position codes, and frequency codes, are used to configure Rates records, which in turn define Advertising Rate Cards records.

  1. From the Advertising Color Codes service, open a new Advertising Color Codes record.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the color scheme.
  3. In the Description field, enter an optional description if you need to further define or clarify the color code name.

    Sample Advertising Color Code Record
  4. Click Save to finish creating the new Advertising Color Codes record.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each new Advertising Color Codes record.


Note Concerning Color Codes for Classified Advertisements

When using the classified advertisement feature, it is best to establish a color code for the classified advertisements. For example, create a color code-named Classified Ads and use this color code when defining the rate card's Rates record for a classified ad. This enables the user to select the Rate record that has the advertising sections associated with it during order entry with greater ease.

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