Updating the Object Repository for Application Server

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Updating the Object Repository for Application Server

During installation, the Application Server Setup program downloads the current Object Repository from the database server. However, since an Application Server does not download Object Repository updates automatically, a system administrator needs to run the Aptify Object Repository Synchronization Utility each time an object is updated in the repository.

Follow these steps to use the synchronization tool to download updates to an Application Server's Object Repository:

  1. Close the Aptify Desktop client on the Application Server.
  2. Stop the Aptify Asynchronous Processor service.
    1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Right-click the Aptify Asynchronous Processor and choose Stop from the dropdown menu.

      Note that no Process Flow Runs will be executed by this Application Server while the service is stopped.
  3. Copy the Aptify Object Repository Synchronization Utility to the Application Server.
    • The utility is included in the Server sub-folder on the Aptify Installation CD.
  4. Double-click Synchronize.exe to launch the utility.
    • The utility displays the name of the Trusted Aptify user currently configured on the Application Server.

      The Trusted User account on the Application Server must be a System Administrator to run the Synchronization utility. If this is not possible, temporarily configure the Application Server's Aptify.UDL file to use the sa account.

  5. Click Next to continue.
  6. Select the Trusted Aptify User account used by the Application Server from the Object Repository User drop-down menu and click Next to continue.
  7. The utility displays a list of objects that have been updated on the database server since the Application Server component was installed. Select the objects that you want to update on the Application Server and click Next.
    • To update all of the objects listed, click Select All and click Next.
  8. Leave the Backup Files option selected if you want to create backups of the older files. Clear the Backup Files option if you do not want to back up the older files.
    • If Backup Files is enabled, the utility places a copy of the older files in a Backup sub-folder within the ObjectCache folder.
  9. Click Next to start downloading the updated objects.
  10. Click Finish to close the utility when the download process is complete.
  11. Restart the Aptify Asynchronous Processor service.
  12. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  13. Right-click the Aptify Asynchronous Processor and choose Start from the dropdown menu.

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Administering the Object Repository


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