Installing the Aptify 5.5.2 Update
Note Concerning Out of Memory Error When Running the Apitfy 5.5.2 Setup
Under certain circumstances, the setup may fail due to a memory utilization restriction. You will know this occurs if you find the following line in the InstallationStatusLog.txt file (found in the top-level directory of the setup):
Exception Message: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
If this occurs, see Troubleshooting Aptify 5.5.2 Installation Problems for more information.
The following instructions provide a step-by-step guide for the installation of Aptify 5.5.2 to a system that already has one of the following versions of Aptify installed:
- Aptify 5.5
- Aptify 5.5.1
Your server must be running Aptify 5.5 or Aptify 5.5.1 prior to installing the Aptify 5.5.2 Service Pack. There is currently NO direct path to update from Aptify 5.0, 5.0 SP1, 5.0 SP2, or 5.0 SP3 to Aptify 5.5.2. Any system running these earlier versions will first be required to update to Aptify 5.5 prior to applying Aptify 5.5.2.
Important Pre and Post-Installation Considerations
- Review Troubleshooting Aptify 5.5.2 Installation Problems prior to installing Aptify 5.5.2. This guide provides information on issues that you may encounter running the Aptify 5.5.2 or Aptify Web 5.5.2 setup. If you know, for example, that you have a field on the Persons entity that does not have a default value, this will need to be resolved prior to install to be successful for Aptify 5.5.2.
- This installation can only be applied to a server running Aptify 5.5 or 5.5.1. If your server is running an earlier version, you must upgrade to Aptify 5.5 or 5.5.1 first before applying this versions.
- For best results, Aptify recommends that an organization install service packs, add-on applications, and new versions in the order in which they are released. For example, since Aptify e-Business 5.5.1 was released before Aptify 5.5.2, Aptify recommends that an organization using e-Business install e-Business 5.5.1 first before installing Aptify 5.5.2.
- However, there may be cases where the above installation recommendation is not feasible (such as if an organization purchases e-Business 5.5.1 and the server is already running Aptify 5.5.2). For these situations, Aptify recommends that an organization install e-Business and then re-run the Aptify 5.5.2 installation to ensure that any updates to that add-on application that were included in 5.5.2 are applied to the server. In situations like this, please contact Aptify Support for assistance.
- Once the 5.5.2 install is complete, if you are running one or more instances of an Aptify application server, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the application server's Program Files folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. See Configuring Multiple Instances of the Aptify Asynchronous Processor for more information about running more than one instance of the Aptify Application Server.
- Once the 5.5.2 install is complete, if you have an Aptify e-Business site installed, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the e-Business bin folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. For e-Business 5.5 and higher, be sure to only download objects from the e-Business Sync Repository Objects record. See Running the Object Repository Synchronizer.
- Once the 5.5.2 install is complete, run the U.S. zip code update utility on your Aptify server. See Running the Update Utility for U.S. ZIP Codes.
- Once the 5.5.2 install is complete, Aptify recommends that you consider enabling SQL Server snapshot isolation. Review the information in Enabling SQL Server Snapshot Isolation to determine whether enabling this function would improve your Aptify environment, and if needed,perform the steps to enable the function.
- Once the 5.5.2 install is complete, if you have an Aptify Mobile Point of Sales installation, you will need to run the Object Repository Synchronizer utility to update the Aptify SOA bin folder so it has the latest Aptify objects. The Object Repository Synchronizer is included in the service pack's Utilities folder. Follow the object synchronization instructions in Step Four: Configuring Mobile Point of Sale Post-Installation to update the bin.
- If you are planning on installing the Aptify 5.5.2 Web interface, you must first install Aptify 5.5.2 database updates. See Implementing the Aptify Web Interface for more details on installing the web interface.
Installation Procedures
Perform the following procedures to install Aptify 5.5.2:
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