Regenerating an Entity

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Regenerating an Entity

When you modify an Entities record, Aptify reviews the list of changes to determine if any of the changes need to be propagated to the entity's generated database objects or form templates. For example, if you add or remove a group from the entity's Security tab, the system also needs to update the entity's associated database objects (such as its base view and stored procedure) with these new security settings.

If the system determines that an entity's associated objects or templates need to be updated, it displays the prompt.

Regenerate Entity Message
When you click OK, the system automatically regenerates the entity's table, base view, stored procedures, and form templates as necessary using the updated entity settings. (Review the Aptify Status Window to determine the list of items that require regeneration. In the example in the figure below an administrator removed a field so the system needed to regenerate the entity's table.)

Aptify Status Window
However, in some cases, you may want to trigger the regeneration process manually. For example, you may want to regenerate the entity's form templates if you modified a form manually and now want to revert to the generated version. 

Note that an administrator can regenerate an entity's form templates by using the Generate Form Template option on the entity's Form Templates tab without having to manually regenerated the entire entity. See About the Baseline Form Template Generator for more details.


Follow these steps if you want to force the system to regenerate an entity:

  1. On the Entities record, clear the Generate Table option.

    Force Entity Regeneration 
  2. Save the Entities record.
  3. Select the Generate Table option.
  4. Save or Save and Close the Entities record.
  5. Click Yes when prompted that the entity will be regenerated.

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