Creating a Course Category

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Creating a Course Category

Course Categories is a good starting point for creating a curriculum and all the courses, exams, instructors and classes involved in an Education Management system. The Course Category is a grouping of courses that ties all classes of the same area of study under one course type. Generally, a student is required to take a minimum number of units from a course category to meet the curriculum requirements. A student can choose several courses from the same course category to satisfy the required number of units and not take all the courses in the category. Additionally, some course categories can be classified as sub-categories, which are usually used with extensive curriculums.

This procedure describes how to create a Course Category record:

  1. Open a new record for the Course Category service.
  2. Enter a Name and a Description for the Course Category, remembering that each category is a grouping of like courses from the same area of study.
  3. If this Course Category corresponds to continuing education courseware for which students can submit on-line requests for Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit, select the External Continuing Education option.
    • Courses linked to a Course Category record with this option selected are available for selection in the CEU Type drop-down list on the e-Business site's Submit New CEU page. See Submitting CEU Requests for details.

      Course -Category Record
  4. Save and Close the form.

Creating a Course Sub-Category

This procedure describes how to create a Course Sub-Category record:

  1. Open a new record for the Course Category service.
  2. Enter a Name and a Description for the course sub-category, remembering that each category is a grouping of like courses from the same area of study.
  3. In the Parent field, enter the course category that contains this sub-category. You may also use the Find feature to select the parent course category from the existing course categories.
  4. If this course sub-category corresponds to continuing education courseware for which students can submit on-line requests for CEU credit, select the External Continuing Education option.
    • Courses linked to a course sub-category with this option selected are available for selection in the CEU Type drop-down list on the e-Business site's Submit New CEU page. See Submitting CEU Requests for details.
  5. Save and Close the form.

Related topic

Understanding Course Categories


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