Installing and Configuring Freestone in Aptify

Installing and Configuring Freestone in Aptify

This document details down the step-by-step guide to configure Freestone with Aptify.


  1. Aptify 6.2 or higher version up and running
  2. e-Business CMS or Non-CMS site should be up and running on the same
  3. Valid freestone licenses and applicable configurations need to be done by contacting Freestone stakeholders

Freestone and Crowd Wisdom is not supported for e-Business6.0.

Please contact the Freestone support team to configure the Freestone software and retrieve the Freestone valid URL for integration with Aptify.

Deployment Steps

Note: These deployment steps are only for Aptify 6.2 or higher versions.

  1. Contact the support team to copy the Freestone setup folder. This folder contains <add the CM pack name>.
  2. Login to Aptify 6.2 SmartClient and access the CM tool installer with an Administrator user.
  3. Unpack Freestone CM Pack on the DB server.
    While unpacking follow the below sequence:
    1. IntegrationAndLMS_R&D.cmpack
    2. LMSIntegrations_PostPack.cmpack
      LMS Integration success message will display on the screen.
  4. On the SmartClient, go to Framework > Application Services and search for record with the name Integration Management.
  5. open the Integration Management Application record and select Group Permissions tab.
  6. Add Group Permissions for Administrator in the record as shown below:
  7. From the Folder List, right-click the Home heading and select Applications from the pop-up menu.
  8. On the Aptify application pop-up menu, add Integration Management application in the folders list. Click OK to close the pop-up.
    The integration Management application will now be available in the folder list.
  9. Go to Framework > Entities > Search the entity ''Integration System"
  10. In Integration System entity, go to select fields tab.
  11. Search for Integration password field, open this field record.
  12. Select encrypt data option and in Security field, search and add security key as 'Generic Entity Encryption Key'.
  13. Click OK.
  14. From Integration System entity, open Callback password field record.
  15. Select encrypt data option and in Security field, search and add security key as 'E-Business Login Key - One Way Hashing'.
  16. Go to Integration Management Application from folders list.
  17. Select Integration System Service.

    Note: Freestone Integration System Records are already been created in. User needs to just to update the information according to their need.

  18. Retrieve the integration password, URL, redirect URL, Username, password from the Freestone team.
  19. Open and update Freestone Integration System Record.
    1. Go to General tab, and add the details as shown below:
      1. Integration Password: <Enter your integration password retrieved from Freestone team>
      2. Check Status is checked marked as Active, Generate Logs is selected
      3. Callback Password: <Enter your callback password retrieved from Freestone team>
      4. Verify Integration Password Security Key & Callback Password Security Key ID added in the previous step.
    2. Go to Attributes tab, and add details as shown below:
      1. URL: <Enter the Freestone URL here>
      2. Username: <Enter the username provided by Freestone team>
      3. LMSRedirectURL: <Enter the LMSRedirect URL here>
      4. SubscribeMessageTemplateID: 29 (check ID in Message administration > Message template > LMS Subscribe)
      5. UnSubscribeMessageTemplateID: 28 (check ID in Message administration > Message template > LMS Unsbscribe)


  20. Click Save.
  21. Go to Framework > Form Templates.
  22. Search for Products.Details > Open Products.Details Form Template.
  23. Go to Part List tab.
  24. Search and add 'Products Form - Integration Mappings Tab' part.
  25. Click Save.
  26. Search for MeetExpo.Products.Details > Open MeetExpo.Products.Details Form Template.
  27. Go to Part List tab.
  28. Search and add 'Products Form - Integration Mappings Tab' part.
  29. Click Save.
  30. Process flows to be updated.
    1. Search for Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items, run process flow.

    2. Search for Generate HTML5 Web Entity Metadata, add all entities related to Integration keyword. And run process flow.
    3. Search for Generate HTML5 Web Form Template UI Parts, add form templates ID of Products.Details and MeetExpo.Products.Details and Run the process flow.
  31. Reset the IIS.