Installing and Configuring Freestone in Aptify
Installing and Configuring Freestone in Aptify
This document details down the step-by-step guide to configure Freestone with Aptify.
- Aptify 6.2 or higher version up and running
- e-Business CMS or Non-CMS site should be up and running on the same
- Valid freestone licenses and applicable configurations need to be done by contacting Freestone stakeholders
Freestone and Crowd Wisdom is not supported for e-Business6.0.
Please contact the Freestone support team to configure the Freestone software and retrieve the Freestone valid URL for integration with Aptify.
Deployment Steps
Note: These deployment steps are only for Aptify 6.2 or higher versions.
- Contact the support team to copy the Freestone setup folder. This folder contains <add the CM pack name>.
- Login to Aptify 6.2 SmartClient and access the CM tool installer with an Administrator user.
- Unpack Freestone CM Pack on the DB server.
While unpacking follow the below sequence:- IntegrationAndLMS_R&D.cmpack
- LMSIntegrations_PostPack.cmpack
LMS Integration success message will display on the screen.
- On the SmartClient, go to Framework > Application Services and search for record with the name Integration Management.
- open the Integration Management Application record and select Group Permissions tab.
- Add Group Permissions for Administrator in the record as shown below:
- From the Folder List, right-click the Home heading and select Applications from the pop-up menu.
- On the Aptify application pop-up menu, add Integration Management application in the folders list. Click OK to close the pop-up.
The integration Management application will now be available in the folder list. - Go to Framework > Entities > Search the entity ''
Integration System
" - In Integration System entity, go to select fields tab.
- Search for Integration password field, open this field record.
- Select encrypt data option and in Security field, search and add security key as 'Generic Entity Encryption Key'.
- Click OK.
- From Integration System entity, open Callback password field record.
- Select encrypt data option and in Security field, search and add security key as 'E-Business Login Key - One Way Hashing'.
- Go to Integration Management Application from folders list.
Select Integration System Service.
Note: Freestone Integration System Records are already been created in. User needs to just to update the information according to their need.
- Retrieve the integration password, URL, redirect URL, Username, password from the Freestone team.
- Open and update Freestone Integration System Record.
- Go to General tab, and add the details as shown below:
- Integration Password: <Enter your integration password retrieved from Freestone team>
- Check Status is checked marked as Active, Generate Logs is selected
- Callback Password: <Enter your callback password retrieved from Freestone team>
- Verify Integration Password Security Key & Callback Password Security Key ID added in the previous step.
- Go to Attributes tab, and add details as shown below:
- URL: <Enter the Freestone URL here>
- Username: <Enter the username provided by Freestone team>
- LMSRedirectURL: <Enter the LMSRedirect URL here>
- SubscribeMessageTemplateID: 29 (check ID in Message administration > Message template > LMS Subscribe)
- UnSubscribeMessageTemplateID: 28 (check ID in Message administration > Message template > LMS Unsbscribe)
- Go to General tab, and add the details as shown below:
- Click Save.
- Go to Framework > Form Templates.
- Search for
> Open Products.Details Form Template. - Go to Part List tab.
- Search and add 'Products Form - Integration Mappings Tab' part.
- Click Save.
- Search for
> Open MeetExpo.Products.Details Form Template. - Go to Part List tab.
- Search and add 'Products Form - Integration Mappings Tab' part.
- Click Save.
- Process flows to be updated.
Search for
Generate HTML5 Web UI Part Metadata Items
, run process flow.- Search for
Generate HTML5 Web Entity Metadata
, add all entities related to Integration keyword. And run process flow. - Search for
Generate HTML5 Web Form Template UI Parts
, add form templates ID of Products.Details and MeetExpo.Products.Details and Run the process flow.
- Reset the IIS.
, multiple selections available,