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Authorizing Previously Imported Licenses

If you have chosen to import licenses when the Aptify Licensing Web Service is unavailable, you must authorize the licensing within 5 days of the import once the Aptify Licensing Web Service becomes available. Follow the steps below to validate your pre-existing licenses.

  1. Launch Aptify using an administrator account.
  2. Create or open a view of the Licenses service.

    This service is located in the Framework and Users Administration applications by default.
  3. Click the Aptify License Import Wizard icon in the toolbar to launch the wizard.
  4. Select the Authorize Previously Imported Licenses option.

    Note that only the remove and authorize options are available. Additional licenses cannot be imported until previously imported licensing are validated.
  5. Select Next to activate the license.

    The licenses are authorized and the temporary status is removed.  

    License Authorization Complete for Pre-existing Licenses 
  6. Click Finish when activation is successful. If the authorization is unsuccessful, please contact Aptify Customer Support.

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