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About the Housing Blocks Form

This form tracks information about a block of rooms that have been set aside by a hotel for an organization's customers/members (typically in conjunction with a meeting).

Housing Blocks Form

Attachments Tab

This tab stores any files relevant to this record.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the Housing Block.


A description of the Housing Block.


The name of the parent Housing Block, if applicable. If not blank, this field indicates that the record is a sub-block.


Specifies if the block is open to all or restricted to a particular set of individuals. This field is reserved for future use. In the current version of Aptify, any customer/member can reserve a room in a block regardless of the block's type.

Restriction Type

If type is set to Restricted, this field specifies if the block is available to all exhibitors or only to those of a specific company. This field is reserved for future use.


If type is set to Restricted and Restriction Type is set to Company, this field identifies the Company whose employees can book rooms in this block. This field is reserved for future use.


The contact person at the hotel that corresponds to this Housing Block. This field links to the Persons service.

Hotel (Required)

The name of the hotel that is hosting this block. This field links to the Companies service.

Housing Product (Required)

The name of the Housing Product with which this record is associated. This field links to the Housing Products service.

Start Date (Required)

The first date on which rooms will be available in this Housing Block.

End Date (Required)

The last date on which rooms will be available in this Housing Block.


The employee who organized this Housing Block. This field links to the Employees service.

Housing Transfer Type (Required)

The transfer type used when exporting reservation details for records associated with this Housing Block. This field links to the Housing Transfer Type service. See About the Housing Transfer Types Form.

Options Tab

This tab lists the Options records associated with this Housing Block. See About the Housing Block Options Form.

Rooms Tab

This tab lists the Housing Block Rooms records associated with this Housing Block. See About the Housing Block Rooms Form.

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