Administering Entity Bulk Operations

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Administering Entity Bulk Operations

The Entity Bulk Operations service allows an organization to update specific data in multiple records without requiring a user to modify each record manually.

Each Entity Bulk Operations applies to records in only one Aptify entity. Once an entity has one or more bulk operations associated with it, an Entity Bulk Operation wizard icon appears in the toolbar for views of that entity.

When a user launches the Entity Bulk Operation wizard from a view, the bulk operation business logic operates on a per-record basis, which means that the bulk operation function is called once for each record selected in the view. The wizard updates specific fields in each record based on the rules defined in the corresponding Entity Bulk Operations record.

The Entity Bulk Operations wizard is supported for use in List, Prompt, and Chart Drilldown views for the Aptify Desktop client. This wizard is supported in the Aptify web interface.


An administrator specifies the following information in each Entity Bulk Operations record:

  • Entity to which the operation applies.
  • A set of rules or a custom component that defines the operation.
  • Security settings to define who can run the operation.

The rule-based bulk operations are most commonly used and allow an administrator to easily define rules that modify top-level entity information within each entity record in the target view the bulk operation is running on. However, in some cases, rules are not robust enough to capture the changes or other business logic needed in a bulk operation. For this reason, Aptify provides an interface through which each customer may link their own components for bulk operation logic.

For component-based operations, rather than using the standard bulk operation rule interpreter (IEntityBulkOperation), the object defined in the Object field is called, which then implements the business logic needed for each record.

See the following sub-topics for more information on creating and using Entity Bulk Operations:

See About the Entity Bulk Operations Form for field-by-field definitions for every entity form used in the Entity Bulk Operation process.

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