Step 2: Create a CES Plan
Step 2: Create a CES Plan
The next step in configuring the CES application is to create a CES plan. Perform the following steps to create a CES plan:
- Open a new CES plan record by clicking the New CES Plans button on the CES Dashboard.
- In the Name field, enter the name of this CES plan
- In the Start Date field, select a date for this CES plan to start collecting data.
- In the End Date field, select a date for this CES plan to stop collecting data.
- In the Type field, select the type on which the CES plan is applicable. The valid values are Persons and Companies.
- In the View field, select the view on which the CES plan is applicable.
- In the Organization field, select the organization on which this CES plan is applied.
- In the Owner field, select the owner of this CES plan.
- In the Status field, select the status of this CES plan. The valid values are:
- Active
- Inactive
- Planning
The CES scores associated with this plan are updated in the Persons and Companies record only when the status of this plan is set to Active.
- In the Calc. Frequency field, select how frequently this CES plan is calculated. The valid values are:
- Annually
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- In the Description field, enter a description of this CES plan.
- Save this record.
- Proceed to Step 3: Create KPI Metrics.
The following is a sample CES Plan record:
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