Step 2: Create a CES Plan

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Step 2: Create a CES Plan

The next step in configuring the CES application is to create a CES plan. Perform the following steps to create a CES plan:

  1. Open a new CES plan record by clicking the New CES Plans button on the CES Dashboard.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of this CES plan
  3. In the Start Date field, select a date for this CES plan to start collecting data.
  4. In the End Date field, select a date for this CES plan to stop collecting data.
  5. In the Type field, select the type on which the CES plan is applicable. The valid values are Persons and Companies.
  6. In the View field, select the view on which the CES plan is applicable.
  7. In the Organization field, select the organization on which this CES plan is applied.
  8. In the Owner field, select the owner of this CES plan.
  9. In the Status field, select the status of this CES plan. The valid values are:
    • Active
    • Inactive
    • Planning


    The CES scores associated with this plan are updated in the Persons and Companies record only when the status of this plan is set to Active.

  10. In the Calc. Frequency field, select how frequently this CES plan is calculated. The valid values are:
    • Annually
    • Quarterly
    • Monthly
  11. In the Description field, enter a description of this CES plan.
  12. Save this record.
  13. Proceed to Step 3: Create KPI Metrics.

The following is a sample CES Plan record:

CES Plan Record Example

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