Step 3: Create KPI Metrics

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Step 3: Create KPI Metrics

The final step in configuring CES is to create the KPI metrics for each KPI used in your CES plan. A KPI metric record is used to define what points value or weight is given to a KPI within the CES plan. It also defines the KPI Metric Mapping where a user can define how many CES points are assigned for a particular KPI value.

Perform the following steps to create the KPI metrics for your CES plan:

  1. In the CES Plan record, ensure that the KPI Metrics tab is displayed.
  2. Click the New button in the ribbon for the KPI Metrics tab.
  3. Click the KPI Metric field name. A new KPI Metric record opens.
  4. In the KPI field, enter the name of one of your configured KPIs.
  5. In the Target field, enter the weight (points value for CES) of the KPI.
  6. In the Comments field, enter any comments that would apply to this KPI metric.
  7. If you want to use the actual KPI results as the CES points value, and not map the KPI results to a points value, select the Use Actual KPI Result option.
  8. If you want this KPI metric to be active, select the Is Active option.
  9. Save this record.
  10. If you want to map CES points values to KPI values, click the KPI Metric Mappings tab and perform the following steps:
    1. Click the New icon in the ribbon to open a new KPI Metric Mappings Record.
    2. In the Min. Result field, enter the minimum actual KPI value that will result in the defined CES points value.
    3. In the Max. Result field, enter the maximum actual KPI value that will result in the defined CES points value.
    4. In the Result Value field, enter the CES points value that will be given for the associated KPI metric when the specified range of KPI value is reached.
    5. If you need to enter additional mappings for this KPI metric, click OK and New and repeat steps b through d for these additional mappings.
    6. If you are finished entering mappings for this KPI metric, click OK.
  11. Save and close this record.
  12. If you need to enter metrics for another KPI, click OK and New and repeat steps 3 through 11 for these additional metrics.
  13. If you are finished entering KPI metrics, click OK and save the CES Plan record.
  14. Proceed to Step 4: Run the Process Flows and Execute KPI for CES Plan and Execute CES Plan.

The following is a sample KPI Metrics record:

KPI Metrics Record Example

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