Adding a General Ledger Account

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Adding a General Ledger Account

Aptify follows standard accounting practices for setting up general ledger (GL) accounts. During initial implementation, an organization either manually enters the chart of accounts from the general ledger system or imports them automatically using a conversion tool. In Aptify, the Chart of Accounts is referred to as the GL Accounts service. This service tracks an organization's set of GL account codes, which the system automatically debits or credits when generating GL entries.

 GL Account Links In Aptify

The diagram above illustrates some of the services that use GL accounts. Any service that deals with a financial transaction, such as Orders, Payments, Products, and Sales Tax Rate, can be assigned one or more GL Accounts.

Typically, an organization creates GL accounts records during the implementation process automatically using a conversion tool or manually as described below. As new accounts are added, an administrator or a member of the accounting staff can follow these steps to add a new GL account to Aptify:

  1. Open a new record from the GL Accounts service.
    • By default, the GL Accounts service is located in the Accounting application.
  2. Enter the account's code in the Account Number field.
    • This is a unique character value that contains the complete GL code (base code plus any additional segments defined for division, department, project, and so on). The General Ledger segments for the currency types are defined in the Currency Types record.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the GL Account.
  4. Select the account type: Debit or Credit.
  5. If you want this GL Account to be applicable to a specific organization, enter the organization in the Organization field. This field links to the Organizations service.
  6. Confirm that the Active option is selected. The system only uses Active GL accounts. If you want to temporarily disable a GL Account, clear the Active option.
  7. Select the Default A/R Account option if you want to designate this account as the default Accounts Receivable (A/R) account.
    • Each system can have only one default A/R Account. The default A/R account is used for any product, tax, or shipping charge that does not specify an A/R account.
  8. Enter a currency in the Currency Type field.
    • This is the currency in which you expect this GL account to be typically expressed. Note that this option does not limit a particular account to a single Currency Type. Generally, this currency matches the specified organization's Functional Currency.  

      GL Accounts Record
  9. Save the record.



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