Closing a Case

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Closing a Case

As a case progresses towards resolution, the primary assignee should update a Cases record's Status and add other relevant information as needed. When a case is closed, an employee follows these steps to complete the necessary fields to close the case:

  1. Open the Cases record, if not already opened.
  2. In the top area of the form, change the case's Status to the appropriate "closed" option (such as Complete or Cancelled).
  3. If you are reviewing the case before closing it, enter your name in the Reviewed By field on the General tab.
  4. Enter the current date in the Date Closed field on the General tab's Timeline section.
  5. Complete the fields in the Closure section of the General tab.
    • Closed By: Enter your name in this field. It links to the Employees service.
    • Result: Select the case's result (such as Success or Failure) from the drop-down list. This drop-down list displays the options from the Case Results service. See About the Case Results Form for more information.
    • Reason: Specify the reason why the case was closed. This field links to the Case Reasons service. See About the Case Reasons Form for more information.

      Closing a Case

  6. Save the Cases record.

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